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The symptoms of appendicitis in men: manifest as first symptoms of the disease

The Appendix — an appendage of the cecum, which is a vestigial organ. This body has the ability to become inflamed in men — this condition is called appendicitis.

Scientists and doctors today argue about the function of the Appendix in the human body, so there are different hypotheses and theories about its functions. However, the loss due to surgical intervention in the future, people will not feel the problems provoked by its loss.

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Without a medical examination to distinguish appendicitis from other diseases is difficult because their symptoms and signs are similar.

Principles of diagnosis and therapy

After hospitalization, conducting diagnostics, which includes the following:

  • a blood test to detect the presence of leukocytes and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate;
  • a urine test to detect the presence of protein;
  • x-ray, it shows only the presence or absence of fecal stones;
  • ultrasound is the most common and optimal method for the diagnosis of this disease, it is possible to detect the increase of the Appendix of up to 5 mm in adult men;
  • computed tomography;
  • laparoscopy — it is needed when another diagnosis was inconclusive; it is performed under anesthesia, making a small incision through which the probe is introduced with the camera.

The treatment of appendicitis must be extremely doctor, so it is absolutely impossible to self-medicate — to put on the stomach a hot water bottle and take painkillers.

Treatment for appendicitis is performed only surgically. Preparation for surgery depends on the severity and stage of the disease. After surgery for full recovery without complications should 7 days.

Appendicitis is a disease, when long-term lack of treatment may be fatal, provoked by sepsis or other complications.

It should be remembered that acute appendicitis is a disease in which it is impossible to hesitate and procrastinate, you should immediately call an ambulance, because there is a risk of complications of the condition.


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