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Blood tests in men, AST and ALT: norms and deviations

ALT (alaninovaâ transaminase), AST (aspartic transaminase) is an enzyme that is identified in the blood. Enzymes are substances of protein nature that catalyze chemical reactions within cells. Belong to the group of aminotransferases, i.e., enzymes that transfer amino acid residues that are not assimilated by the cells during metabolism, the receptors of vitamin B6, then the amino acid (aspartic, glutamic), are involved in the neutralization of ammonia in the body.

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Aminotransferases are found in all organs, but most of them contain liver, heart, skeletal muscle, kidney. This intracellular enzyme, the increase of their content in the blood occurs when the destruction of cells. The specificity of the total content of transaminases in the analysis is low. Their concentration in the blood one can only speculate about the destruction of some cellular structures with a hit of enzymes in the blood serum. Norm and deviations from the figures in our article.

Where are and what is considered normal

Studies have found that there are 5 factions of the enzyme AST separated by electrophoresis. The fraction of AST-1 works in the heart tissue, skeletal muscles, 3rd faction in the kidney tissue, lung, 5th – mainly in the liver. AST, Alt, ALT is localized mainly in the cytoplasm of liver cells.

The determination of AST, ALT, factions AST is widely used in scientific research, medical institutions. Not all labs can perform the analysis of fractions AST, so the diagnostic value of purchase only comprehensive study of the ferments of the blood. They confirm or refute a disease of an organ (system).

For example, if you suspect liver disease conducting such studies blood analysis on the content of bilirubin, ALT, blood albumin, alkaline phosphatase. With heart disease more reliably, a study of cardiac troponin in the blood (total or fractions thereof). Also used blood tests to fractions of MV ck, AST, ALT and their correlation with the norm of the ratio of AST to ALT is less than 1.0).

The normal values of these enzymes in the blood (AST, ALT) in men is slightly different (5-10 units) from that of women. The norm of the result of each laboratory is somewhat different (so-called reference values). They are in the forms of analyses. An example of the results of the study, fit men in the concept of "norm", presented in the table:



Rate in men

The result (norm)




How can change without diseases

To interpret (decode) blood test to clarify the normal or abnormality in the fluctuations of the results, should the doctor. He examines the patient in all ways, possesses all the necessary diagnostic information. Examples of when not to pay attention to changes in the analysis:

  1. In the blood of men may be slightly above the level of the specified reference values (especially of AST), if available, local bruising, minor injury of the muscles or intramuscular injection (e.g., vaccine). If this level is exceeded by 10-15%, such changes are not considered pathological.
  2. AST, ALT can be elevated, as low values. The last is very rare, special significance to the phenomenon that is not attached. A blood test with elevated values AST, ALT is not a reliable method of diagnosis of a disease. This is just an additional method of investigation, clarifying some mechanisms of the processes occurring in the body.
  3. It is therefore not necessary to provide an increased value of the isolated figures of the changed indicators. Against the background of complete health, a greater value may be in error investigations (especially in hardware – machines can be faulty). This is possible if the wrong blood (hemolysis of erythrocytes, the value may exceed the norm by 2-3 times).
  4. This result may be, if before the blood test man was engaged in particularly heavy physical work or spent an unusually long, exhausting sports training. Having received a "terrible" result of the study, to despair, to not panic, if your health does not suffer too much. You just have to repeat the analysis.

When you should pay attention

Usually only significant deviation from the norm indicator analysis evidence of serious changes in the body. Such deviations are possible if lesions of different nature. Consider the most common causes increasing the content of transaminases of blood in men.

  • If decryption of the analysis indicators in men along with other studies indicates liver disease, numbers of ALT are usually quite high (the standard was exceeded by 2-3 times or more). This condition can be hepatitis infectious nature, toxic lesion of a liver with alcohol intoxication in men, poisoning, poisons, some medications, particularly statins).
  • Multiple increase of AST in the blood in men may indicate a disintegration of the muscular formations of any localization. It happens with myositis associated with hypothermia, anydiseases infectious nature with fever; much less often myocarditis, extensive myocardial infarction in men; for injuries of large muscle groups (fractures, serious injuries).

In the course of treatment one of the indicators of a positive flow of the process is the norm AST, ALT. This normalization of indicators in men may be gradual. Her appreciate is usually together with other signs of improvement. Laboratory diagnosis always plays an important role in clarifying the diagnosis, however the diagnosis only on the basis of laboratory results is not set.

Always take into account all doctor received the results of objective research. Thus, ALT and AST in the blood in men are the primary indicators of laboratory research. They help to create an overall picture of the flow, the severity of the disease. Can be used as the control recovery for a number of conditions in men.