Home / Hematology / The normal erythrocyte sedimentation rate in blood from men and why there are deviations

Details about the normal level of erythrocyte sedimentation rate in men

Determination of erythrocyte sedimentation rate, or ESR, is one of the most common ways of blood tests. ESR is a nonspecific indicator, that is, it does not show the presence of a particular disease. However, it is possible to identify the development of any pathology even before its clinical manifestations. That is why the determination of the ESR is a compulsory procedure during the blood.

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ESR shows that there are clear organism of inflammatory processes. But the correct diagnosis is possible only in the interpretation of other results of the analysis based on the number of white blood cells, leucogram and other parameters. In addition, the magnitude of the ESR can be influenced by changing the shape or number of red blood cells, as well as the temperature conditions in which to conduct analysis.

As the analysis

The essence of the determination of the ESR is based on the tendency of red blood cells to "stick together" in inflammatory processes in the tissues of the body. This is due to changes of blood protein and physical properties of the plasma during inflammation. Normal with no abnormalities of the red blood cells are not attracted because the negatively charged relative to each other.

The most known methods of determination of the ESR method are Expressed and the method Panchenkov. In the first case, 2 ml of blood from the vein, mixed with 0,5 ml of sodium citrate, type in a test tube and put the tripod in a vertical position. Sodium citrate serves as a protection against blood clotting. After 60 minutes measure the height of the settled column of plasma. The resulting figure displays the ESR and is measured in mm/h.

In Russia more common found analysis method Panchenkov. To do this, use a long glass capillary, in which up to 50 mm dial 5% solution of sodium citrate and blow it into the vial. Then make a deep prick of the finger and are recruited from the blood in the same capillary to the level of 100 mm and blown into a test tube with sodium citrate. Then again, taking blood from the finger and mixed it with an anticoagulant to reach a ratio of 4:1. Then the blood from the tube, you fill the capillary to the level of 100 mm and put it upright in a tripod. After 60 minutes measure the height of a column of plasma, which is obtained on standing.

If the body is healthy, the ESR parameter will be the same as in the study by the method Expressed, and the method Panchenkov. If there are inflammatory, tumoral or allergic processes, the first method shows higher values than the second. To obtain reliable results analysis should be carried out in the morningon an empty stomach.

Normal levels

In men with normal erythrocyte sedimentation rate depends on their age: the older a man is, the rate is higher. The norm of this indicator in men is always lower than women of the same age.

Table 1. The normal ESR for age in men

Age, years Norm, mm/h
Up to 20 6-12
20-55 8-14
Over 55 15-20

In 5% of cases in healthy men, the ESR may be higher or lower than these normal values in virtue of the individual characteristics of their organism. In these cases the level of the ESR is accepted as the norm. The level of erythrocyte sedimentation rate can deviate from the norm in the direction of increase or decrease. The degree of its increase, and their interpretation can be seen in the following table.

Table 2. The increased ESR

Degree The value of ESR, mm/h The value
1 Normal The composition of blood and its formed elements are in healthy boundaries
2 15-30 Hidden inflammatory processes that are not critical for life
3 30-60 Severe inflammatory process in the tissues of the body
4 60 Dire state of the body

Value of deviations

Blood men can show elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate in the following cases:

  • The inflammatory processes.
  • Purulent or necrotic tissue damage.
  • Sepsis.
  • Infectious diseases (scarlet fever, tuberculosis, influenza, etc.).
  • Neoplastic processes in tissues.
  • Anemia.
  • Alkalinisation of the blood.
  • The high content of cholesterol in blood.
  • Surgery and large blood loss.
  • Diseases of the liver and gallbladder.
  • Renal failure.
  • Endocrine disorders.
  • Disorders of metabolism.
  • Neoplastic bone marrow failure and cancer blood (leukemia).
  • Systemic diseases accompanied by allergic reactions (systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.).

Lowering ESR in men can occur for the following reasons:

  • Blood disease, accompanied by violation of normal size and shape of red blood cells.
  • The leukemias.
  • Burns large areas of the body.
  • Severe dehydration.
  • Prolonged diarrhea, vomiting.
  • Chronic heart failure, accompanied by venous congestion.
  • Diseases of the kidneys and liver, which decreases the formation of protein.
  • Acidification of the blood.
  • Excess in the blood of bile acids.
  • Treatment painkillers non-steroidal group (baralgin, phenacetin, ibuprofen, aspirin, indomethacin, etc.).

If the blood test showed unusualthe results should be repeated to rule out technical error. The end result of determining the erythrocyte sedimentation rate can affect the temperature in the room where the study was conducted. At temperatures above +27 ° C, the ESR parameter is significantly increasing, if the temperature is lowered (below 22 degrees), erythrocyte sedimentation rate slows down. It is especially dangerous for men's health ESR acceleration, as it means the existence of serious pathological processes in the body.

Therefore, when identifying male should immediately pass a comprehensive examination in a medical facility in order to find the cause of the disease. To reliably determine the cause of the pathology is really a study of the functions of all systems and organs, as well as consideration of other painful symptoms. Only after an accurate diagnosis, your doctor may prescribe a man an appropriate treatment, which will eliminate the source of disease.