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Symptoms and treatment of hormonal failure in men

Hormonal disturbances occur in both female and male body. But only in recent years about the manifestations of hormonal failure in representatives of a strong half of mankind were more widely – both professionals and publications. From the normal and stable level of testosterone in the blood depends on the activity of these body systems: nervous, cardiovascular, bone, etc.

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The mechanism of occurrence of the disease

Hormonal balance of men is formed by the end of puberty. After 30 years concentration of testosterone begins to decline gradually. The speed of this process depends on constitutional peculiarities, genetic makeup, concomitant diseases, General health men.

Hormonal imbalance, usually occurs in adolescence and in men older than 30 years. During this period, the hormonal system is particularly sensitive and susceptible to various factors. The most important hormone for body of men is testosterone. He plays a huge role in the normal functioning of major organs and systems. In addition, essential and estrogen levels. This hormone affects libido, the formation of sperm, the condition of the bone system, etc. As a significant excess of norm and the critical decline in the level of hormones affects the body.

The level of testosterone fluctuates during the day and can depend on mood, physical activity, degree of fatigue. However, these reasons do not have a significant effect on the body. If these factors operate over a long period of time, you should think about a possible hormonal imbalance.

Estrogen is produced in small quantities in the genitals and in the transformation of testosterone. The normal functioning of the gonads is determined by the hypothalamic-pituitary system. Therefore, disruption of this system or disease of the testicles is a serious causes hormonal imbalance.

There are the following reasons that cause a hormonal imbalance at a young age:

  1. Bad habits.
  2. Frequent stress.
  3. The lack of sleep.
  4. Heredity.
  5. Negative environmental background.
  6. Occupational hazard.
  7. Thyroid disease (Hypo - and hyperthyroidism), ovaries, adrenals, pituitary.
  8. Infectious diseases.

In men of reproductive age signs of the disease are characterized by breast enlargement, development of subcutaneous fat, decreased sexual desire, disruption of the functioning of the nervous system. These symptoms are associated with unhealthy habits,frequent stress, intoxication and chronic diseases. Treatment in this case will depend on the etiological factor.

In old age, the symptoms of declining sex hormones increase gradually. However, as a result of hormonal failure may appearance of climacteric syndrome. It is characterized by such features as: frequent depression, fatigue, irritability, loss of creativity, osteoporosis, muscle weakness, rapid decline of sexual activity, the emergence of problems in the urogenital area. All these symptoms require treatment were selected individually.


To treat hormonal imbalance in men should be depending on its causes, condition of the body, the patient's age and presence of comorbidities. You first need to eliminate the cause of the disease, if that is not possible to undertake hormone replacement therapy aimed at the elimination of symptoms.

In adolescence, the treatment will include drugs aimed to restore the activity of the sex glands, improve the work of the organs responsible for the metabolism of testosterone (prostate, liver). In case of violation of activity of other endocrine organs such as adrenal, pituitary, thyroid, therapy aimed at the normalization of their functions. If the imbalance of hormones associated with genetic diseases, you may need hormone replacement therapy.

Deficiency of sex hormones in the elderly requires constant treatment with testosterone. This therapy should not be afraid, as it helps to adjust hormonal balance and improve the functioning of cardiovascular, nervous, musculoskeletal and other systems.

Thus, no man is immune from hormonal failure, but early detection and proper treatment can help avoid serious complications. You must know the symptoms of this disease and be given great importance to preventive measures, including maintaining a healthy lifestyle, preventing stress and nervous overstrain.