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Overview of the monastery of tea from nail fungus reviews and prices

Did you know that every fifth person ever in your life suffered from a fungal disease? Such prevalence is associated with extreme persistence and ubiquity of fungal parasites. They are able to carry and high and low temperature to retain viability in dry conditions and in wet environments become very active, multiplying at a tremendous speed. Unfortunately, the human body is also the perfect environment for the prosperity of fungal parasites. Because those who suffer from the disease, and those who know of him only by hearsay, should be aware of how best to treat it.

Today we will tell you about one very interesting and affordable way to get rid of the fungus, is a monastic anti-parasitic herbal. It not just relieves the symptoms. Herbal ingredients included in the tea, works from the inside out, removing from the body all fungal parasites. Moreover, this method of treatment is the most pleasant – all the reviews on monastic tea contain praise of the taste and aroma of this wonderful healing drink.

How does the infection manifest

Fungal infection is very unpleasant and unaesthetic disease. Her symptoms are:

  • intense itching between the fingers;
  • cracked heels;
  • redness, peeling, inflammation of the skin;
  • change the color of nails become grey or yellow);
  • the appearance of pale stripes and spots;
  • seal and splitting nails.

Approved by doctors

Monastic tea against different diseases has long ceased to be part of folk medicine, as patented, clinically tested and certified. It is recommended to use when infected by fungal parasites many doctors, who know about its effectiveness from the results of various medical tests and opinions of our patients.

Approved patients

According to the feedback from all who have tried anti-parasitic (anti-fungal) tea, this collection deserves attention for several reasons:

  • No chemicals. The monastic tea 100% natural: only herbal extracts of crushed seeds, bark, roots, flowers and young leaves to have curative properties which were known to our ancestors.
  • A minimum of contraindications. Antiparasitic fee is not recommended for people with allergies to components of the composition and pregnant women (due to the fact that there are allergic to plants of the baby). The rest can safely drink antifungal teas.
  • Affordable price. This antiparasitic treatment the product can do – it costs about 900 roubles (in different stores the price is sometimes slightly different), which is very profitable, considering that, in addition to the elimination of fungus, healing collectionhaving other useful effects on the body.
  • A noticeable effect. After a few days of reception of the monastery of tea visible results.
  • Pleasant antifungal medication. Read reviews on anti-fungal tea 9 out of 10 people call him delicious. To treat them is a real treat.

The best remedy for PARASITES in the body is...

Composition, proven for centuries

Made antiparasitic medicinal tea according to an old recipe the monks Belarusian. The composition of this product includes natural ingredients that kill fungal parasites that cause fungal infections and other lesions of the nails and feet:

  • Chamomile ‒ relieves inflammation and itching, removes redness, strengthens the immune system.
  • Mint is a need in the fight against bacteria, to enhance immunity, anti-inflammation.
  • Sage ‒ has a strong antiparasitic and calming effect.
  • Calendula is a very good effect on the nail structure.
  • Tansy ‒ a strong antioxidant, normalizes metabolism.
  • Oak bark ‒ has regenerative properties, restores the nail and hair.
  • The fruit of the birch – have soothing properties, relieve the body of toxins.
  • Cottonweed – improves blood flow, destroys parasites and fungal infections in the body.
  • Yarrow – is responsible for cell regeneration, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improves the immune system.

Especially cooking

Look at the reviews anti-parasitic monastic collection – almost every says that it really helps. But we must remember: antifungal tea will act only with proper brewing. If you make a drink too strong or too weak, the desired effect is not achieved.

Eating anti-parasitic monastic decoction of medicinal herbs with antifungal properties one Cup a day for three weeks. The following course may be repeated no earlier than 2 months.

By the way, in some reviews people recommend mixing the monastery collection with green or black tea, if you suddenly do not like the taste of the original product – still don't like herbal drinks. When mixed with the healing properties of the decoction of tea is not going to disappear.

Another tip

In conclusion, I want to give you another tip: don't use curative anti-parasitic tea as the only remedy. A much greater effect you will achieve if you use medication andvegetable broth in the complex. Then you will be able to see the result even faster. And don't forget about prevention when the fungal parasite is defeated, a cure does not mean that you will not catch a new pathogen. Better to prevent the repetition of unpleasant ailment. Therefore, we recommend the use of monastic tea as disease prevention.


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