Home / Urology / Blood when urinating in men: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Details about the reasons for the appearance of blood when urinating in men treatment

The physical properties of the urine are an important indicator of the health of men. The development of any abnormalities in the body or problems in the urogenital system in men often associated with specific signs. One such indication is the appearance of blood when urinating. This symptom almost always means a dysfunction of the urinary or other systems of the body. Rarely the appearance of blood when urinating in men is considered a physiological and natural phenomenon.

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In medicine, the official release of blood with the urine named hematuria. When gross hematuria blood in the urine visible to the naked eye due to the large accumulation of erythrocytes in microscopic hematuria the urine does not change while the blood cells really detected only with a microscope.

The reasons for the phenomenon

So, in men, discharge of blood during urination can cause various reasons and depending on this process is both physiological and pathological. Physiological hematuria in males may occur:

  • At high physical exertion, overheating or overcooling of the body.
  • After eating foods with colorants ‒ beet, rhubarb, blackberries.
  • After taking laxatives the medicines containing Senna.
  • In young children after treatment with antibiotics and sulfonamides, as well as by careless probing the lumbar region.

The pathological hematuria in men cause by the following reasons:

  • Inflammatory processes in kidney (nephritis, glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis).
  • Complications of influenza, tonsillitis, scarlet fever and other infectious diseases.
  • Degenerative changes and neoplastic processes in the kidneys.
  • Renal and cardiac failure accompanied by congestion of blood.
  • Tuberculosis of the kidneys.
  • Polycystic and congenital defects of the kidneys.
  • Treatment with drugs which can cause damage to renal tissues (antibacterial, analgesic, cytotoxic agents).

Depending on the localization of the cause of the bleeding during urination, distinguish hematuria:

  1. Prerenal – in this case the problem is not directly with the urinary system, and the allocation of blood with urine is due to increased vascular permeability and the violation of knoweveryone.
  2. Renal – this phenomenon is associated with pathological processes in the kidneys.
  3. Postrenal – the process caused by lesions of the urinary tract (bladder, ureters, urethra).

Risk factors and statistics

According tostatistics of physicians, about 20% of cases the presence of blood during urination in men is associated with the development of tumors in the organs of the urogenital system.

Tumors can be both benign and malignant. Notable among them is the tumor of the prostate. The bleeding in this case is due to the difficulty of outflow of urine of the grown obstacle that causes the man pain, it is a violation of urination, and then the urine along with blood. In the occurrence of cancer in the prostate occurs malignant tumor invasion through tissues, which is accompanied by destruction of the blood vessels and causes bleeding. This process is accompanied by painful and difficult urination until its impossibility.

Another common reason for the presence of blood during urination in men is kidney stones. When deposition in the kidney of sand, or in the absence of movement stones blood in the urine is very small and it is detected only by laboratory tests. When driving and out of the rocks blood in the urine becomes visible to the naked eye. In addition, hematuria can provoke trauma in the groin, high blood pressure, strong sporting loads physical fatigue and so Promote bleeding can weak blood clotting, varicose veins, blockage of blood vessels by blood clots, anemia, infectious disease and other factors.

Diagnosis of the problem

In order to correctly identify the cause of the blood when urinating, and to assign appropriate treatment requires accurate and timely diagnosis in the medical institution. First, the physician inspects the patient and examines the lumbar region. In the presence of high blood pressure, edema, there is reason to suspect the presence of chronic inflammation of the glomeruli. The detection of the skin rashes in conjunction with inflammation of the joints may indicate a systemic disease, affecting the urinary system. The increase in the kidneys to a size where it is detectable from the outside, may indicate the development of the neoplastic process.

After an initial examination and study the patient as obligatory laboratory analysis of urine, which determines its biochemical and cellular composition.

Full laboratory diagnostics with the appearance of blood in urine in men includes General and biochemical analysis of urine and biochemical and immunological analysis of blood. In addition, great importance for the correct diagnosis play instrumental methods of investigation of the urinary system: ultrasound, MRI, excretory urography, andcystoscopy of the bladder.

In order to identify the source of the bleeding, hold the so-called trehstakannoy sample: a man for once urinating in three vessels. If microscopic examination showed the presence of erythrocytes only in the first glass, there is reason to speak with confidence about the bleeding of the urethral channel. Upon detection of urine only in the third glass, it can be argued about the problem in the prostate or the initial part of the bladder. If blood is detected in all three vessels, this indicates pathology of the urinary bladder, ureters or kidneys.

Elimination of pathology

Treatment of bleeding during urination in men begin after the establishment of the exact causes. Since the appearance of blood in the urine is only a symptom, not an independent disease, the treatment will be to eliminate the causes and therapy of the underlying disease:

  • In inflammatory lesions of the renal tissue used anti-inflammatory medications combined with antibiotic.
  • In infectious origin of the disease have focused on suppression of infection by antibiotics and sulfonamides.
  • An important role in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system plays increase the immunity of body with the use of immunomodulators and vitamin preparations.
  • In addition to antibacterial and General tonic treatment, provide symptomatic therapy: prescribed cardiac medications to improve heart function with its weakness, hepatoprotectors with the deterioration of liver functions, enzymes for digestion, constipation ‒ laxatives.
  • To accelerate the elimination of toxic substances from the body receiving diuretics prescribed medicines, and intravenous solutions of glucose, sodium chloride in the form of droppers.
  • An important role in overcoming the diseases of the urinary system is playing a transition to a healthy lifestyle, proper diet and rest, proper diet and drinking regime.

Seeing his urine blood, do not panic, drawing a terrible diagnosis ‒ just calmly and immediately contact the medical facility. Remember that the best way to avoid serious health problems is a timely appeal to the competent doctor who will give you a correct diagnosis and will prescribe a comprehensive and adequate treatment.