Home / Urology / Details about varicocele in men / Treatment of varicocele without surgery: effective methods

Effective ways to cure varicocele without operation

Varicocele treatment without surgery is possible. But this definition applies only to the initial stages of the disease. Alas, the third and fourth degree of varicocele is likely to require surgery. Of course, some ways you can alleviate the condition, but it is a short-term effect and no one can guarantee that the symptoms of a varicocele does not manifest itself in the enhanced version. And many men will prefer before you go under the surgeon's scalpel, alternative types of treatment. So we have to consider the most common methods of operating and non-surgical treatment of varicocele that can have a positive impact on health.

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Can preventive measures be therapeutic?

Yes it is! At the initial stage of the disease, prevention can be the salvation to postpone surgical treatment for an indefinite period, and with constant adherence to these simple rules will give a great chance bezoperatsionnye to get rid of a varicocele. List such preventive measures:

  • To a certain degree of recovery can have a positive impact underwear. To prefer bottoms or tight shorts, which can gently and carefully to support the scrotum. But at the same time, pants must not be too tight and compromise circulation to the reproductive organs.
  • Be sure to make changes in the diet. The menu should be balanced, rich in vegetables, fruits and herbs. You should avoid fatty, fried, spicy, smoked and spicy dishes. Regardless of how busy the work should not eat cold food and to find the time to pay attention to the full lunch. Food should not provoke constipation. Must be in the diet included milk products, and particular attention is paid to eating foods rich in these minerals and vitamins like zinc, selenium, vitamins A, E, C and B.
  • Your daily routine must be a place for an active lifestyle. This does not mean that a man should leave with his head in professional sports or day to be lost in fitness centers. Enough morning exercises, walking, and in sedentary work need to find time for a break and to move actively, dispersing stagnant blood.
  • Alternative to running or the gym can become yoga, fast dancing, soccer, or any other activities that require movements.
  • At this point you will want to read ad nauseam persistent notation. About the dangers of alcohol, tobacco and drugs are not said just lazy. Use for the treatment of varicocele in any stagethese bad habits will bring. But to worsen the condition of the finish. Therefore, bad habits should be forgotten forever – the stake is too much, and it's worth it to non-invasive method to get rid of a varicocele.

Massage and gymnastics

Not to say that massage and gymnastics ‒ the panacea and can cure varicocele without operations, but using them in combination with other methods, it is possible to achieve relatively good effect depending on the degree of process and non-invasive way to remove the varicocele.

This method requires no special skills, and, observing the rules, after consultation with a specialist, you will be able quite confidently to take the solution into their own hands.

Rules of massage

The effectiveness of massage depends on the degree of varicocele; the earlier treatment is started, the sooner you will see the effect. Massage man conducts himself or through a partner. He performed in the supine position and raised up the pelvis. This provision ensures the outflow of blood from the affected veins and gives hope to what is possible to do without surgery. Force should not be excessive, but stroking is not appropriate.

Gymnastic exercises

All exercises used for the treatment of varicocele, which aims to eliminate stagnant phenomena in the pelvis. This is not necessarily a traditional and well-known raising and lowering on toes. Treatment of varicocele contribute to the many asanas of yoga, but did not need to search frantically on the Internet and start implementing. At first glance, some of the postures seem simple and straightforward, but without a competent instructor, you can harm yourself, and this will result in a joyless visit to the nearest trauma center. And who knows, maybe the surgery will need to have for another reason, because you should not do yourself.

Traditional methods

Is not and alternative medicine. Oh where, where, and cherished tetradochka healers, wise women, and many other craftsmen saved various spells and rituals of treatment, any degree of varicose veins of the testes without surgery, but not talk about that ‒ ways very questionable. Pay attention to herbs. Do not be mistaken that if the grass-field, then harm it will not bring, unfortunately, it is not. Before you try another non-surgical miracle method, you should consult with your doctor.

The leading place in the list of herbs that, according to the herbalists, can cure varicocele in men, is a medicinal herb that improves the state of blood vessels. They are used in the form of teas, decoctions, infusions and tinctures, but in the form of healing baths and compresses. Especially distinguished in this field such plants:

  1. Horse chestnut.
  2. The oak bark.
  3. Rootsdandelion.
  4. Wormwood silver.
  5. St. John's wort and many others.


Not so long ago to heal many diseases come from aromatherapy. Varicocele is no exception. The feasibility of the use of aromatic oils in the treatment of varicocele is not fully proven, but try it if not hypersensitive. Aromatherapist strongly recommend the use of essential oil of lime, arborvitae, cypress, juniper, tea tree and many other plants. Use them to add to the bath or to scent a room with oil burner.

Whichever method of treatment is not sunk into your soul, it is worth remembering that non-surgical methods to achieve success really only at the first and second degree varicocele. An important condition for recovery is that varicocele treatment should be comprehensive and conducted by a competent expert. Do not expect quick results, monitor their condition and stay healthy.