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Symptoms and treatment of orchitis: a persistent men's health

Inflammation of the testicle – a very unpleasant disease, can make the man infertile. It is therefore necessary to know the major symptoms of orchitis and understand its causes. This will allow early treatment with antibiotics and ancillary drugs that can effectively deal with the disease as with inpatient treatment, and at home.

Testes is paired organ, with seven shells, and engaged in the production of spermatozoa and most of the sex hormones – both male (testosterone) and female (estrogen).

Inflammation of the testis may be unilateral or bilateral. Often it is the consequence of malnutrition of the affected testicle, reducing its function and size reduction.

Where there is pathology?

This disease in men is rarely only one reason. Usually they combine several. Consider the main ones.

  1. Trauma to the testicles is the cause in one out of twenty cases. Most often, inflammation develops in the presence of a pathogenic microflora, exacerbating the injury.
  2. Hematogenous infection occurs by transferring pathogens from the blood. Thus, inside the egg are causative agents of systemic infections – influenza, mumps, pneumonia, tuberculosis, typhoid. The most dangerous a disease such as mumps. It can cause bilateral inflammation of the testes each of the third to fifth from the ill men in postpubertatne period. There is also such a phenomenon as the development of mumps orchitis in the absence of symptoms of an underlying disease.
  3. The penetration of infections from adjacent organs of the urogenital system (urethra, colon, prostate, bladder).
  4. Transmission of pathogens of sexually transmitted occurs in the presence of one of the partners of genital infections – Mycoplasma, gonorrhea, chlamydia or syphilis.
  5. The orchitis in newborn boys are most likely to occur in case of contact with pathogenic microflora of the umbilical vessels.
  6. Prolonged exposure of the catheter in the ureter can also cause inflammation of the testicle in men.

Main characteristics and types of the disease

Depending on the disease and its symptoms distinguish between chronic and acute orchitis. The acute form will be treated in a hospital, and chronic orchitis in men can be treated at home. They differ in intensity of symptoms and the severity of pain.

The acute course

Is characterized by a sharp rise in temperature, pain symptoms in the scrotum, a significant increase in egg size. In favorable cases the symptoms in men go away on their own within 3-5 days. However, there is always a risk of abscess formation.In this case, complicated by acute orchitis, symptoms of intoxication and can result in atrophy of the testicle and loss on major functions.

The chronic form

Observed in case of acute orchitis heals or not treated. Long-term inflammation leads to compaction of the egg, it begins to atrophy, and disturbed formation of sperm. This state is fraught for men infertility.

The result of mumps orchitis

Also found kind of mumps orchitis. Inflammation of the testis in this disease in men usually develops on 3rd –10th day from the onset. In most cases, affects both testicles, and all the ends of their atrophy. The symptoms of the disease in this case, greased, and treatment takes much more time.


This inflammation develops in the case of the simultaneous destruction of the egg and seed of the follicle, adjacent to it. The main symptoms are:

  • sharp pain radiating to lower back, sacrum, perineum, and groin;
  • the sharp increase in the size of the affected testicle, his pain when feeling;
  • the rise in temperature in the nidus;
  • the characteristic gloss of the skin of the scrotum;
  • symptoms of intoxication in men, appearing on the 2nd –3rd day.

How to recover

Treatment of orchitis begins with identification of the pathogen and determine their sensitivity to antibiotics. Before formulating the final diagnosis prescribe blood and urine tests, find out a history of injury or infectious disease, establish the typical symptoms and causes that could trigger the development of inflammation.

Conduct differential diagnosis of epidemicity. The main difference is the condition of the scrotum. When orchitis it is tight and tense, and when epididymitis is swollen. In some cases, diagnosis is hampered by the presence of periorbita or reactive hydrocele.

Treatment of orchitis in the absence of complications performed on an outpatient basis. Acute orchitis it is possible to stop within 3-7 days, with chronic orchitis may require longer treatment.

It is important to understand that the key to successful treatment is identifying the causative organism and the antibiotics to which they are sensitive. Hospitalization of the patient for treatment in hospital becomes necessary only if he was found to have symptoms of abscess development, which are opened surgically. In rare cases, when the egg inside is completely destroyed and is a so-called purulent melting, is removed.

The orchitis treatment is carried out in the background diet, eliminating irritating foods – spicy, smoked, fatty, sour, and fried. The acute form whentimely early therapy usually has a favorable outcome. For pain relief successfully used special underpants that can capture the affected testicle. Shows the application of cold compresses. In the treatment successfully used antispasmodics and pain medication, as well as a means to relieve tension and swelling in the scrotum.

Chronic orchitis is treated for much longer, especially in the case when his first symptoms were not noticed by the patient at the time of its beginning in the egg already existed serious pathological changes. For the treatment uses a complex of:

  • antibiotics with a broad spectrum of effects;
  • thisprocedure;
  • thermal effects;
  • vitamin therapy.

Can be effectively applied and folk remedies. However, you need to understand that their use should be conducted against the background of proper medical treatment. Self-treatment of this disease is unacceptable, as it can lead to its transition in the chronic form, or to the formation of abscess.

With increased sexual excitability when orchitis help cope:

  • hops;
  • Wintergreen;
  • clover;
  • birch leaves;
  • knotweed;
  • grass cranberries;
  • chamomile and other herbal remedies.

To prevent the occurrence of inflammation, it is necessary to take preventive measures. The basic principles of prevention are early detection and treatment of genital infections as well as monitoring the condition of the genital organs during and after treatment of systemic infections, is able to give such a complication.