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What is the reason for a metallic taste in the mouth in men (causes and treatment)

Worried about a metallic taste in your mouth? Such a complaint often patients come to the doctor-the therapist. The reasons for this phenomenon are quite diverse. That taste could be a consequence of intake of specific foods or occur after taking certain medications. In this case, to get rid of it simply. The metallic taste disappears completely after the cancellation of this medication. More dangerous, similar symptoms, when accompanied by nausea and bitterness. It happens with development in the body of men and women with severe pathological processes. Let's see what are the symptom of a person.

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Why is there a symptomatic manifestation

People first to feel the taste of metal in my mouth, trying to explain a hit of metallic particles in the area of language, which became possible after a meal. However, experts believe that the causes of this phenomenon are somewhat different. What is the reason? In a person's mouth are specific chemoreceptors. After exposure to and the olfactory centers of some chemical compounds, you may receive a metallic taste effect. The most common causes of this phenomenon are the following factors:

  • Metallic taste in mouth may occur during therapy with some drugs. Similar taste often accompanies all treatment antimicrobial tetracycline drugs or some supplements. To get rid of it easy. Simply replace the medication.
  • It may appear during a meal. Eating, for example, saccharin, or some types of iron-containing mineral water leaves a metallic taste effect.
  • The emergence in the oral cavity of the symptoms can be the first sign of development of men have iron deficiency anemia. The second characteristic symptom is: the tongue is covered with small cracks. This suggests that the body is not enough iron. You need to quickly begin specific treatment.
  • The reason for this phenomenon may diagnosed with bleeding in the gums, teeth or tongue. Why is this happening, set dentist. It will help to get rid of unpleasant feelings, which appeared in the mouth of men.
  • A metallic taste in the mouth appears during the installation of metallic crowns or dentures in your mouth. Most often it is a sign of poor prosthetic works, what may indicate the presence in the mouth is incompatible in the chemical and ionic composition of the structures.
  • How often I explain this symptom, so it is pathology of the gastrointestinal tract,for example the pancreas or liver. The nausea appears not only in the morning, but also throughout the day, and in addition, the metallic taste is still there and the bitterness.
  • As the cause of these phenomena indicate the presence of pathology of the respiratory system. Then a bad taste is accompanied by cough and pain in the throat.
  • In men, this symptom may appear when working with metal or by contact with certain colorants.
  • A metallic taste in the mouth is one of the signs of serious poisoning, for example, salts of heavy metals or arsenic compounds. Accompanies it, as a rule, intense salivation, uncontrollable vomiting, mouth can be sour. Treatment should be started immediately.
  • Similar symptoms in the area of the mouth and is accompanied by radiation sickness.

What can be confirmed the preliminary diagnosis? The conduct of clinical trials. What is included in this list?

  1. Clinical and biochemical study of blood. They will help in the early stages of diagnosis to identify why there was this taste. If a man has signs of anemia or inflammatory process, according to the results assign etiotropic treatment.
  2. Specific blood tests and stool for the presence of the pathogen such as Helicobacter pylori, is carried out in men with suspected disease of the gastrointestinal tract, e.g. gastric ulcer.
  3. In the case when the symptom is associated with ENT-pathology, prescribe a bacteriological examination of nasopharyngeal swabs and discharge from respiratory tract sputum. The fence is produced in the morning.
  4. If the cause of metal discomfort in the oral cavity, suggesting chemical poisoning, are specific Toxicological examination.

How to fix it

On the basis of the obtained results will address the question of how the treatment is performed:

  • If the symptom is provoked by an error in diet, then it can be eliminated by exclusion from the diet of the product, which caused a similar effect.
  • You can drink acidic juices or water with lemon juice.
  • In the case when an unpleasant taste in the oral cavity was the result of medication, a replacement medication same composition and the pharmaceutical effect of the drug will help to get rid of the trouble.
  • If metallic taste is a symptom of iron deficiency anemia, it eliminated a special balanced diet. It is products that are rich in iron. Besides that, take drugs containing iron.
  • Pathology of the liver and biliary tract can cause pathology. Itadjusted diet diet and application of etiotropic treatment of the underlying disease.
  • In the case when men and women the cause of the symptoms become diseases of the oral cavity, to get rid of them in the dental clinic. This is the treatment of the pathologies of the teeth and gums, correction of prostheses.

This problem is easily corrected and eliminated after correct diagnosis.