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What is HPV in men, the characteristics and methods of treatment of pathology

HPV in men (human papillomavirus) is a common infectious disease, which is characterized by the development of specific tumors on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes. The virus can enter the body men even while touching the infection carrier.

The main route of HPV infection in men, sexual intimacy, however, when the condition is violated the integrity of the skin the infection is transmitted by shaking hands or using common household items. HPV is also often piped to the sauna, swimming pool, gyms, public transport. However, despite the way HPV is transmitted, the disease must be treated.

Types of the pathogen

Studied more than 100 types of HPV. About 40% of them strike the genitals in men and women. A large part of the varieties of HPV are absolutely harmless to humans, but there are viruses oncogenic type, causing the development of cancer cells.

  • Virus type 1-4 is the cause of the formation of plantar warts, resembling corn.
  • Virus 10, 28, 49 contributes to flat warts.
  • Virus 27 to cause the development of ordinary warts may "butchers warts".
  • Virus 6, 11, 13, 16, 18, 31, 33, 35 – the reason for the formation of papillomas and genital warts on the genitals of men and women.
  • Virus 30, 39, 40, 42, 43, 52, 55, 57-59, 61, 62, 67-70 considered a cause of precancerous lesions.

Depending on the type of HPV distinguish between groups of high, low risk and secure the ability to cause the development of cancer pathologies. Cancer most commonly occurs during infection with HPV type 16 or 18. In accordance with the type of the agent selects the optimal treatment.

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The clinical picture of the disease

Most often HPV in the body in men does not cause the occurrence of any symptoms and signs. However, the disease is manifested in the activation of HPV in the context of the reduction of protective forces of an organism. The functioning of the skin cells or mucous membranes are disrupted, they begin to quickly share, resulting in formation of characteristic outgrowths (main symptoms of the disease), which represent papillomas.

See also:

The evidence of infection patient, can appear as growths on the face, after a few weeks or months of unprotected intercourse. In men pathology of HPV threat to the development of the following complications:

  • tumor formation in the perineal region or penis;
  • the development of warts on the genitals of the patient.

In accordance with the type of agent, the principalsymptoms can be detected in papillomas, warts or condylomas. Warts cause such symptoms and signs as

1) the pain;

2) a feeling of itching;

3) discomfort during sexual intercourse;

4) bleeding in the area of growth of the formations.

Favourite localization of warts is the glans penis, coronal sulcus, frenulum, lips of the urethra.

Diagnostic techniques

Undoubtedly, examination of the patient the specialist should begin with an objective examination and careful questioning to identify risk factors and causes of disease.

If necessary, the diagnosis of HPV in men could include the following research methods and analyses:

  • diagnostics virus DNA;
  • urethroscopy;
  • cytological analyses of the swabs from the urethra;
  • special laboratory tests;
  • histological examination of affected tissues.

Laboratory tests also determine the type of pathogen, to assess the degree of risk that can have consequences for the patient. Only careful diagnosis conducted by a specialist, allows to identify the causative agent of papillomas in men and to appoint adequate treatment.

Treatment tactics of management of patients

Today, unfortunately, there is no medication that would have saved a sick man from the HPV forever. However, to treat this pathology need. For maximum effect it is recommended complex therapy, including drugs of General and local action. The treatment of this disease in men suggests that eliminates the main symptoms and prevent severe consequences of the disease.

Article topic: STDs in men: types and treatment

The main method of combating the virus in men is a surgical treatment involving the removal of the pathological growths. Used in the treatment of modern techniques for removal of papilloma using laser, electrocautery, radio waves.

The proven need for strengthening of protective forces of men. To enhance the immune properties of the body of the patient prescribe drugs General action: interferons, immunomodulators, stimulators.

Treatment of HPV should be administered only by a qualified technician. Only in this case you can quickly eliminate the symptoms of the disease and prevent its unpleasant effects. Timely treatment of this disease – the guarantee of health of the body.

For the prevention of human papilloma virus used in vaccination against HPV. This procedure is performed by three-time intramuscular injection in the shoulder. Vaccination against HPV withregularity 1 time per 3-6 months. In this case, treatment is not required.