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List of drugs, relieving dependence on alcoholism treatment

According to statistics in our country every year, alcoholism kills more than 500,000 people. From epidemics and natural disasters are dying less. This figure of death shows that the abuse of alcohol is dangerous, and a person suffering from this disease needs immediate treatment (with the consent of the patient or without his knowledge). Fortunately, now there are many drugs which, judging by the reviews, help to cope with alcoholism.

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At home or in the clinic?

At different exposure and different characteristics of the body requires individual methods of treatment. Someone is able to help a couple of consultations with psychiatrist or psychologist. Others can remove the dependence of using drugs from alcoholism in the home. Rest of the patients need hospitalization and subsequent clinical treatment (in severe dependence or when the treatment is carried out secretly, without the knowledge of the patient).

Medication is applied, usually on the second and third stages of alcoholism. In the first stage of greater emphasis on psychological support and belief. In the later stages some talk about the need to remove the dependence of a will not help, as there are major changes on the physical level.

Principles of drug therapy

Receiving medication with alcoholism has two main objectives – to relieve the symptoms of alcohol dependence (withdrawal syndrome withdrawal syndrome and delirium) and to prevent recurrence after alignment of the physical condition of the patient. That these tasks have been implemented, must comply with the rules:

  1. Alcoholism treatment drugs may not show immediate result is to remove the dependence of drugs need to go through a program without pauses. Taking certain drugs is delayed for 1-3 months.
  2. If in the process of taking the drugs were failures, the course of treatment will be considered cancelled. You need to take a break, to purify, to bring the remains of alcohol and re-start treatment (under medical supervision to avoid overdose or fatal action on the liver and nervous system).
  3. Drugs intended for the treatment of alcoholism, have a strong composition, it is very important to adhere strictly to the instructions for use: the dosage, mode of admission, duration of the course.
  4. If patients decide to be treated with drugs at home, the need to pre-consult with the doctor. To choose the drug is not recommended – the consequences of incorrectly chosen remedies can be serious.
  5. Despite the fact that alcoholism treatment drugs can be conducted at homeconditions without the knowledge of the person, still better, if he would agree to remove the dependency. In practice, when forced treatment 85% of patients returned to alcohol abuse during the year.
  6. If you experience even minor side effects should immediately stop taking the drug and consult a specialist to determine whether to continue treatment with a selected tool or is it better to start using analog.

Consider the most effective (according to reviews) coding means to stop the craving for alcohol:

  1. Drug for treatment of alcoholism Alcopanel. Not the strongest way to relieve the craving for alcohol, but natural causes minimum side-effects. Can be used for treatment at home (even without the knowledge of the patient). The acacia extract and succinic acid can purify the body, relieve symptoms of withdrawal syndrome after drinking.
  2. The drug against alcoholism Leavin. The main active ingredient in the composition is disulfiram, which after taking alcohol, eating a person, faster is formed in the acetaldehyde. As a result the person is not able to obtain the expected relaxation and euphoria, immediately begins to experience nausea, headache, dizziness, pain, and other "delights" of the withdrawal syndrome. Minus Liduvina negative effects on the liver and nervous system after treatment. To mitigate this impact, Leevin added nicotinamide and adenine. The tool is available in the tablet form.
  3. The drug Teturam alcohol. Is a direct analogue Liduvina, as it also acts at the expense of disulfiram and encoder has a similar effect on the body of the patient. Available in the form of tablets and implants, which are introduced to the human subcutaneously. Minus bad effect on the liver and nervous system.
  4. The drug against alcoholism Alkospas. A natural remedy you can apply at home in the early stages of alcoholism (also without the knowledge of the patient). For the treatment of advanced dependence is not used due to the weak action of active substances. The main advantages of this drug – no side effects and positive strengthening effect on the body.
  5. The drug against alcoholism MCPFE. Available in the form of drops. Main active ingredient – cyanamide (3 mg per drop). Exacerbates withdrawal syndrome, increases the negative sensation (a rush of blood to the face, nausea, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, migraines). This makes drinking alcohol unpleasant procedure and leads to a conditioned reflex aversion to the taste and smell of any alcohol. Minus bad effect on the liver and nervous system.
  6. Drug against alcoholism Esperal. Another tool withby disulfiram in the composition. Puts a psychological barrier due to repeated strengthening of the symptoms of alcohol poisoning. Also causes more severe signs of withdrawal syndrome. Has many contraindications, so taken under supervision of a specialist and only with the consent of the patient. Minus bad effect on the liver and nervous system.
  7. The drug against alcoholism torpedo. One of the varieties of chemical blockade of ethanol and its derivatives. Very powerful tool, and its introduction is carried out exclusively in hospital environment. Intravenously or sewn in the form of the implant. Includes emotional stress barrier by increasing negative reactions to the accepted alcohol. Negative effects on the liver and nervous system. As for the price, the cost comparison of different drugs given in the table.

Fees for funds

The name of the drug against alcoholism

Receive mode

The approximate price of one package

Leavin (20 tablets in a box)

The drug is taken inside of 125-500 mg twice for 7-10 days.

1290 RUB.

Alcopanel powder

Received at one portion dissolved in water the powder once a day.

990 RUB.

MCPFE (pack of 4 bottles of 15 ml)

Drop the MCPFE is the inside of 36-75 mg (12-25 drops 2 times a day interval between doses 12 hours). The course duration is determined individually.

4900 RUB.

Teturam (box of 50 tablets)

When the pill in a dosage of 125-500 mg/day. the scheme of treatment is determined individually.

210 RUB.

Esperal (20 tablets per pack)

Accepted under the scheme: the first days – 500 mg 1 time per day, after dosage is gradually reduced to 125 mg. Rate is 7-10 days. If necessary, after verification of the analyses is extended.

1260 RUB.

Alkospas (a box with five bags of powder)

The powder should be dissolved in water and take once a day.

990 RUB.


Is administered the drug once, is valid for 1-3 years, possibly coding for a shorter period – from 3 to 6 months.

Was 5500 RUB. (minimum price)

Whatdrug to choose for the fight against alcoholism? It is better to ask the technician after passing the laboratory tests of the patient, as well as appreciating reviews. In the treatment process, it is necessary to remember about the rules of taking drugs from addiction is to be treated under the supervision of a specialist, pay attention to the dosage and do not drink alcohol during the training. Only in this case the chance to remove alcohol dependence maximum.


Nicholas, 56 years:

Encoded by Espirales three years ago. Tablets do not clean cravings just cease to experience the relaxation from the alcohol immediately begins to "sausage". Unfortunately, despite increased negative effect, don't consider pills a good way of dealing with addiction. The effects are very strong – you can put the stomach and liver. And after withdrawal of the drug from the body craving for alcohol is still present. I snapped. Now enclosing a Torpedo. She side effects even more, but stops from disruption is the fact that if you lose your temper, you'll just kill your heart is a powerful reason not to drink.

Ivan, 33 years:

These drugs are very painful. First day climbed the wall, I thought that will not survive. Broke the whole body, went as in a fog. Then started to head to dawn, the less I thought about alcohol. Broke for a year once, but after drinking so felt bad that he no longer pulls.