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Folk remedies and hemorrhoid treatment for men at home

Hemorrhoids far the most common disease among men. He may have expressed acute or chronic, but in both the first and in the second case, it is mandatory to treat it. When you first detect symptoms such as bleeding after defecation, burning and itching inside the anus and foreign body sensation inside the rectum, you should immediately start treatment, because at the initial stage of the disease it is most effective. In this article we will tell you how to treat hemorrhoids that should be considered when choosing treatment at home and some folk remedies for men are the most effective.

Diagnosis and choice of therapy

In the first place you should turn to a specialist proctologist, which will determine the type of hemorrhoids in a patient and prescribe some therapy. To determine the stage of the disease using a variety of medical methods. The most common of them include finger technique, and diagnosis with the use of special equipment. In the case of severe stages of hemorrhoids is assigned to surgical intervention. If men have easy or average degree of severity of the disease, it will be sufficient to use appropriate drugs or treatment at home.

When choosing treatment at home folk methods of treatment you should consult with your doctor. Also do not forget about diet and minimize eating too much fatty, salty and spicy food and including plenty of vegetables and fruits. Instead of tea and coffee are advised to drink water. Eliminate from your life alcohol often make Hiking and do exercises for gluteal muscles and abdominal muscles.


Consider the most common drugs to treat hemorrhoids:

  • Candles.

It is an effective tool that copes with the pain, promotes healing of wounds and cracks in the anus. Most often the composition of the candle comprises natural components such as sea buckthorn, wormwood and other herbs. Also often the components of the medicinal candles to eliminate the disease in men is glycerin.

"Relief" ‒ these candles have a wonderful curative effect, eliminate burning and itching. Produces the anasthetic substances in the composition of the candles are benzocaine and liver oil sharks. The usual course involves the use of 2 to 4 candles per day during the week.

"Olstein" the main components of the suppositories are benzocaine and sea buckthorn oil. Effectively eliminate pain. It is recommended to use 1 suppository 2 times a day, treatment course is 7 days.

  • Ointment.

To eliminatethe painful effects of hemorrhoids in men are also prescribed various ointments containing analgesics. In the presence of inflammation recommended to treat non-steroidal ointments and ointments anticoagulants.

"Levomekol". The ointment has excellent healing and anti-inflammatory action, reduces swelling. Contain the antibiotic chloramphenicol. Applied ointment on a well-washed region of the anus before bedtime.

"Protosun". Contains a local anesthetic ‒ lidocaine, contributing to the elimination of the main symptoms of the disease. Is introduced into the anal canal or apply directly on hemorrhoids.

  • Pills.

Also, quite effectively treat hemorrhoids pills. Prescribed by a doctor to eliminate men bleeding, inflammation, itching as well as restored venous channels in the pelvis. Thanks to tablets and the correct dosage a bowel movement much easier.

"Detralex". The drug, which is composed of active phlebotrophic substances hesperidin and diosmin, favorably acting on the veins, vessels and capillaries. Used as chronic form of the disease (1 tablet twice a day) and acute (2 tablets 2 times a day for seven days).

"Glivenol". The main active ingredient in the composition of triebensee that strengthen the walls of blood vessels and is anti-inflammatory. Taken 1 capsule with meals 3 times a day for 10 days.

How to help themselves at home

Widespread treatment of this disease in men folk remedies at home. It is often very effective. Before hemorrhoids was considered not such a terrible disease and it is easily and quickly eliminated using various folk remedies. Recipes of folk wisdom were carefully collected over the years and now account for a very large amount of money, which can become a worthy analogue drugs purchased at a pharmacy, and treat this disease at home. We list the most popular folk remedies and methods of treatment men folk remedies:

  • Persicaria maculosa, or the emerods.

Also called hemorrhoidal grass. Is an excellent means of relieving inflammation and stopping bleeding from hemorrhoids. Pour a tablespoon of this herb in two cups of boiling water, let it brew for the night and morning drink. The relief you will notice in a matter of hours.

  • Potato candles.

Raw peeled potatoes vystrugat candle and insert it in the anus all night. It is recommended to repeat several times.

  • The decoction of nettles.

In order to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of hemorrhoids in men with nettle,it is recommended to take half a Cup of this herb, pour boiling water and some time to insist. Strain to drink the resulting green water. Repeat procedure 3 times a day.

  • Yarrow

A simple and effective tool. There is a perception that after treatment with yarrow a relapse is not observed for several years. When you select this tool, bring to boil a large amount of yarrow in a pot volume of about 2 liters and boil for 15 minutes. Once the broth is ready, it needs a little cool, pour the contents in a basin and sit in it for as long as the content is not completely cooled. To treat the disease yarrow should be several days.

  • Rowan berries.

The berries are mashed to a smooth paste, then applied to the hemorrhoidal.

  • Kalina common.

Very good at helping to stop bleeding. You need to prepare a decoction of the bark of viburnum, boiling 4 teaspoons half an hour. Take 3 times a day.

  • Steam baths.

This method is quite common in people. The patient sits over a container with a lid, in which holes with a diameter of about 5 cm of the Anus should be located directly above this hole. Need to sit all the time until steam escapes. These trays often are made with steamed milk, onion, garlic or ariannol boiling water tansy. To repeat such procedure at least every day, depending on the severity of the disease.

  • Ice candles.

Made from water or infusion of chamomile. Type in medical fingertip necessary liquid and freeze. Such a candle should be kept in the anus until it is completely dissolved.

As you can see from this article, ways to treat hemorrhoids in men a great many. The main thing is not to delay treatment and not to run it. Consult your doctor and together determine the most suitable methods and regimen, be it medication or old-fashioned "grandmother's" recipes for use at home.