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Urgent States in modern clinical practice the novice urologist

Неотложные состояния в урологииRelease year: 2012

Author: Nechiporenko, N..

Genre: Urology

Description: Pressing (also referred to as urgent status in the practical activities of the doctor-urologist has still not lost its relevance. With them often come across as the experienced doctors and young medical students. Clinical signs of urgent conditions in medical practice remain the same, and diagnostic and therapeutic methods is evolyutsioniruet as progress of modern medical science.
The widespread practice of ultrasound, x-rays and various types of tomography has allowed to improve the diagnostic phase of the treatment of diseases requiring emergency medical assistance. Application nishinasuno methods of treatment gives the opportunity to fundamentally updated the level to heal patients with acute retention erinacei and stones in the urine.

Use in modern medical practice santaldih catheters has allowed to reduce the frequency of surgical interventions in acute pyelonephritis (especially during pregnancy), and the new puncture technology have significantly reduced the number of open operations on the organs of the urogenital pathologies in the urinary canals.

It lists the most frequent in modern urology operating and post-operative complications and their elimination.

The authors hope that this manual will benefit aspiring professionals in the field of urology, and students of higher medical educational institutions.

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