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Exercises to restore potency

Remember, as we are from childhood accustomed to the culture of physical exercise. Kindergarten, school, army. Everywhere man at any age had to do sports. As usual, after the appearance of the family and the children's interest in exercise is markedly reduced, and then completely disappears. His place is a fragmentary obesity or a familiar beer belly. To fight him simply.

To succeed, you need quite a bit:

  • Leave beer feast, and perhaps to leave the company of beer aficionados.
  • To do certain physical exercises. It can be running in the morning, with the use of dumbbells, Cycling, swimming. Great effect in the fight against belly give rowing and special exercises for the abdominals.
  • To restore potency and lead men's health in order to enable the diet with specific set of products and modes of food intake. Have to replace the sweet fat and flour to vegetables fruits and cereals. Eat small portions several times a day.
  • In the case of running obesity to consult a specialist who will prescribe a medication containing the male hormone testosterone.

All these measures give excellent results that you can feel after a short period of time. But the best way is a healthy lifestyle and avoiding harmful habits.

Medical practice the most stubborn thing along with statistics. She claims that the hemorrhoids is most often diagnosed in men in fairly poor form. There are several reasons. Physical labor, inattention to their own health, occupational hazards and fear of the imminent operation leads to the fact that you still have to go to a specialist. If external causes can be avoided or eliminated their usual way, to change careers or work schedule, you pass surgery is also relatively easy.