Home / Prostate / BPH / Prostate adenoma: causes, symptoms and treatment of this disease

Clinical manifestations of benign prostatic hyperplasia and treatment

The most formidable disease which can occur in men older than 50 years, is a cancer, more harmless disease, prostatic hyperplasia. It was first described in the NINETEENTH century, and in ancient times prostate adenoma was known as "the disease of the elders".

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Adenoma is characterized by proliferation of its own tissues, which cells lose their original appearance, transformirovalsya in foreign tissue and clamp the urethra.

Why there is hyperplasia and how has it developed?

The true causes of prostate adenoma not known to science. Histologically, the first signs of development of the adenoma can be determined in men aged 40 years of age. The disease progresses, and by 80 years 90% of men suffer from this disease. Most often adenoma associated with an imbalance of sex hormones caused by age-related changes. It is proved that in men subjected to castration at an early age, adenoma is not developed. In addition, there are many risk factors for development of adenomas:

  • Family-genetic predisposition.
  • Weight.
  • Hypertension.
  • Diabetes and its consequences.
  • Of liver damage.
  • Sexual hyperactivity.
  • The socio-geographical environment.
  • Bad habits.

The main location of the adenoma are periuretralnuu gland and transition zone. The BPH develops from the transition zone. Peripheral zones often give rise to the growth of most carcinomas. For the Central zone there is no specific pathological process.

The growth of benign tumors may be so rapid that the outer part of the gland acquires a spherical shape (the surgical capsule). Urinary channel is gradually pinched hypertrophied tissues and loses its permeability. To treat adenoma allow drugs (pills, suppositories, injections), you can fight it and folk remedies, and applying surgical removal of the tissues of the gland, but the choice of method depends on the stage of the disease and how symptoms.

Clinical manifestations

Symptoms and clinical manifestations of adenoma is well known and is basically about the violation of urination. In the later stages, there are painful sensations and discomfort. The symptoms of BPH are divided into three groups:

  1. Obstructive – urine flow becomes thinner, the duration of urination increases. This process involved the abdominal muscles, feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladderbubble.
  2. Irrationa – urination becomes more frequent, compelling urge even at night, develops incontinence.
  3. Associative – disorder diuresis progresses, in semen and in the urine there is blood.

Initially the man does not notice the symptoms of hypertrophy of the prostate. Then the symptoms of growing is the root cause of many problems with diuresis. So depending on the condition of the bladder, the residual urine and the severity of the clinical symptoms of adenoma were subjected to harsh classification:

  • Compensation

Weak manifestations of urination disorders. Bladder function are unchanged. The amount of residual urine is not more than 50 ml.

  • Subcompensated

Bladder function is impaired. The amount of residual urine exceeds 50 ml. Painful symptoms are progressing. Night imperative urination violate the resting men and cause fatigue and irritability.

  • Decompensation

The contractility of the muscle walls of the bladder are virtually absent. Residual urine greater than 1000 ml. the Sphincters are stretched and do not perform their function. The urine continuously flows out in a thin stream.

If the adenoma is not treated (do not take prescribed pills, suppositories and other dosage forms) and do not follow certain rules, not to perform exercises and do not affect the causes, it may develop acute urinary retention. This condition is urgent and requires immediate medical intervention.

Drug treatment of benign prostatic hypertrophy is possible only in the initial stages of the pathology. As methods for generating additional effect, apply a variety of folk remedies are a special physical exercise, but only after consultation with your doctor. The extent to which the consequences of the spread of the tissues of the gland manifested itself in full measure, require surgical intervention.


Describes the symptoms are so characteristic of the disease, that the diagnosis of prostate adenoma is difficult. But as the reasons which caused a delay of urination, and there may be prostate cancer, and multiple sclerosis, and prostatitis, and urethral stricture, and other diseases. Therefore, a thorough research is important for the differential diagnosis.


  • Complaints of the patient.
  • The history of the disease.
  • The story of the life of the patient.
  • Family history.
  • Diseases.
  • Allergic reactions and their causes.
  • Heredity.

Objective methods of research:

  • Inspection.
  • Palpation andpercussion of the bladder.
  • A digital rectal examination.

Laboratory diagnosis:

  • Common laboratory tests of biological fluids.
  • The study of the secret.
  • The PSA levels.
  • Analysis of material collected by biopsy.

Instrumental studies:

  • The cystoscopy.
  • Synchromedia.
  • Cystomanometry.
  • Uro - and cystography.
  • CT.
  • Ultrasound and transrectal ultrasonography.
  • MRI.
  • Thermography.

How to treat adenoma?

The risk of surgical intervention in prostate cancer is directly proportional to the age of the patient more than the age of the patient, the greater the risk. But to treat adenoma without surgery (radical method) is quite risky because you have to consider many factors and the patient requires a lot of effort. Although there are cases when I was able to achieve what the symptoms of adenoma do not bother without a reason.

So I try to treat by various methods. Use of medical interventions (pills, suppositories, injections), influence of prescribed exercises that you can perform at home, if necessary, perform surgery to remove. When choosing a method of surgical removal of the body should take into account such parameters and factors that might affect the further treatment:

  • The age of the man.
  • Symptoms.
  • The size of the prostate.
  • The volume of residual urine.
  • The PSA levels.
  • Comorbidities.
  • The status of the upper urinary tract and kidneys.
  • Sexual activity.

Medical treatment is possible only in the first stage of the pathology. For the second and third degrees of enlarged prostate drugs are used only to maintain and sustain the results of surgical intervention for removal of the hypertrophied organ. They also create conditions for improving the quality of life of men and prevention of disease progression, allow to stop the unpleasant symptoms.

Non-drug treatment

This type of treatment is follow-up. Allow it at moderate manifestations of adenoma, minor violations of the outflow of urine and in the absence of absolute indications for surgical removal of the organ. That is, it requires regular monitoring by a doctor and following his instructions at home. Recommended are the following:

  1. Limit fluid intake before bedtime or in cases when frequent urination can affect the planned action.
  2. Limit alcohol, coffee and other beverages, which may cause stimulating the diuresis.
  3. Stop the treatment of folk ways (ifany) affecting urination. It is advisable to discuss this with your doctor.
  4. To combat constipation and cause, adjusting the diet and doing special exercises.
  5. Correction of diet. Diet for prostate cancer exclude from your diet fatty, fried, spicy and smoked. Recommended to pay attention to plant foods, increase your consumption of vegetables and fruits. Especially, the emphasis is on foods rich in vitamins A, E, C and b, and with a high content of zinc and selenium.
  6. To increase physical activity within reasonable limits, without fanaticism and without harm to health. For this perhaps at home to do special physical exercise that, when done correctly, can be a good help in the treatment. Exercises designed by experts and are performing simple physical movements.
  7. Correction of sexual activity.
  8. To carry out exercises of respiratory gymnastics.

Drug treatments

To treat adenoma can and using drugs. To do this, use drugs, aimed at removing the causes of stagnation, improve blood circulation, growth inhibition of hyperplasia, decrease in the manifestations of co-morbidities, and facilitating urination. The most common medications used in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia, inhibitors of 5-alpha-reductase, alpha-1-adrenoblokatory and plant extracts. Consider them in detail:

  • Inhibitors of 5-alpha-reductase. These drugs block 5-alpha-reductase, due to this impaired conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, and there is a process of programmed cell death. Named because there is a reduction of prostate volume.
  • Alpha 1-blockers. They promote the relaxation of smooth muscles body and reduce obstruction.
  • The plant extracts. They are made of various herbal components. Used drugs with antiandrogenic, antiproliferative, antiedematous and anti-inflammatory properties. Some products with success are replaced with folk remedies, but only on the advice of a doctor.
  • Antibacterial drugs. These drugs are used not only in the prevention of infectious processes, but also for the treatment of hidden processes infectious lesions. Depending on what the consequences caused infection, use pills, suppositories or injections.
  • Biological peptides. These drugs are made from the prostate gland of cattle. The drug reduces swelling, stabilizes its secretory function, eliminatesdiscomfort, its causes and painful symptoms. Pharmacological forms of these medicines varied, but the most effective are the candles.
  • Hormonal drugs. Treatment by such means will be able to eliminate the androgenic effect on the prostate gland. This is accomplished by blocking the production of testosterone.

Traditional methods

These methods can be successfully applied at home. Special performance of folk methods differ in the treatment. They should be used while performing the exercise, observing certain conditions in the diet and completely abandoning harmful habits.

Special effect have medicinal plants, they play a supporting role in the first stage of the disease. Also herbs to treat disease is possible and in the postoperative period. At the initial stage, herbal medicine is used to slow the growth of the adenoma, used in the training and medicinal herbs that have anti-inflammatory, anticancer, tonic and antispasmodic methods of influence, as well as reduce the symptoms and affect their causes.

Such herbs include: marshmallow root, barberry fruit, rhizome of Polygonum snake, calendula flowers, and many others. Folk remedies affect many mechanisms, but only after consultation with a urologist. Variety of charges can be purchased in a drugstore and not only in the form of dried material. Also many pills, tinctures and candles contain extracts of medicinal herbs.


Surgical treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia is performed with the ineffectiveness of conservative medicine and in emergency conditions caused by acute urinary retention. The main goal of surgical intervention are the deliverance of the patient from the obstruction and improve urine flow. The effectiveness of each method is high, but the choice of method is individual.

style="width: 132px;"> Transurethral incision of the
Standard surgical techniques
№p/p Method Holding Complications
1 Transurethral resection of the The prostate is through the urethra. Layers are cut giperplazirovannom the prostate gland to the muscle layer, release of the bladder from blood clots and impose a temporary Foley catheter. Possible postoperative bleeding, the development of "TUR syndrome" which is characterized by constant irrigation of the bladder, and the development of hyponatremia.
2 Is the dissection of the prostatic division of the urethra under control of optical devices. Appropriate in the presence of a pronounced middle lobe. In other cases, to determine the removed amount of fabric difficult. The accession of infection. Post-operative bleeding. Retrograde ejaculation. Problems with potency. Incontinence.
3 Open adenomectomy Most often used crespuzyrna and retropubic method. Provides a complete and simultaneous removal of the prostate gland. Bleeding. Narrowing of the bladder neck. Incontinence. Inflammatory processes in the epididymis and the testicles. Pyelonephritis.

Treatment of the adenoma must be integrated. Some some medications can't cure the disease, but if you use the medication, exposure to folk remedies, to perform special exercises, the disease will certainly influenced and won to remind myself. All treatment activities must take place only under the supervision of a doctor.

Preventive measures

As such preventive measures do not exist. But every man has the ability to reduce the risk of development of an adenoma to a minimum. Prevention of benign prostatic hyperplasia provides diet, avoiding harmful habits and the decrease of amount of liquid. These recommendations are suitable for both men already suffering from prostate cancer, as it will reduce the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. You should not joke with adenoma, and begin to treat it at the first sign, otherwise the consequences could be unpredictable. All products (candles, tablets, injections, exercises and other treatments should appoint only competent specialist.