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What preventive measures will help prevent BPH?

Prevention of BPH is a complex of measures aimed at preventing the occurrence of the disease. To date, evidence about the prevention of prostate adenoma does not exist. According to the primary (endocrine) theory of the origin of BPH pathology occurs as a hormonal imbalance in the male body in the result of age-related changes in the testes. The disease is considered one of the manifestations of male menopause.

For men over 45 years of age prevention of benign prostatic hyperplasia is primarily in the annual visit to the urologist for examination.

To affect the natural age-related changes occurring in the body in men, it is not possible, but to really change your life in such a way to stay healthy longer. To do this, and prevention is needed to completely remove or significantly reduce the effects on the body risk factors contributing to the development of benign prostatic hyperplasia in men aged 50-60 years.

Warning pathology

Risk factors include all of the States, causing a stagnation of blood in the pelvic region, as well as diseases in men, primarily of the genitourinary system. Of particular importance is the early detection and treatment of prostatitis in men, since even after the elimination of pathogenic microbes that caused the disease, inflammatory background in the prostate gland persists long enough.

Prevention of BPH must include the following points:

  • To avoid total hypothermia (not to cold, not freezing), especially cooling and getting wet feet.
  • Unacceptably prolonged sitting that causes stagnation in the pelvis, which is especially important at the present time. Changing jobs is not necessary, but every hour stand up and stretch – it should become a habit.
  • Active lifestyle (sport, walking, outdoor activities) prevents and eliminates the stagnant phenomena in the pelvis in men.
  • Avoiding constipation particularly important. They increase the dysuria, contribute to the development of infection and urinary retention. To prevent constipation use diet and drink a light laxative. Avoid the use of Senna leaf and aloe that cause redness of the rectum. To prevent constipation it is important that the intake of sufficient amounts of fluid per day (individually, about 1.5 l, avoiding water stress).

It is especially not recommended?

Diet to prevent the development of benign prostatic hyperplasia, and prevention, can be relaxed. Meat dishes are recommended in the first half of the day. Limit meat only in case of formation of urate stones.

Here are some rules that are recommended to follow the asprevent disease of the prostate:

  • Salt is not prohibited. Pepper, mustard, and smoked products, canned food that contains a lot of salt, spices, extractives exclude.
  • Improve intestinal health all dairy products except whole milk. So they are definitely recommended in the diet if they are well tolerated. Milk causes flatulence, so it is advised to avoid or to eat with tea or coffee.
  • Allowed slightly alkaline water. Since the second stage of BPH, prohibited alcoholic beverages, beer. They contribute to increased formation of urine, more frequent urination.

Food intake and fluid in the evening should be limited, and for 2-3 hours before bedtime it is desirable not to drink at all.

  • Can not overdo the urine. It reduces the tonus of the bladder, promotes the development of a urinary tract infection, prostatitis. If the sensitivity of the bladder is reduced and the signal to urinate comes when the accumulation of large amounts of urine, use of forced urination. Whether the urge or not, the man goes to the toilet and urinating. This prevents the accession of infection and further deterioration caused accumulation of a large volume of urine in the bladder.
  • To refer patients to the spas with hydrotherapy is not recommended, as water stress causes weakness of the detrusor and contribute to urinary retention.
  • You need to maintain your weight within normal limits. Unwanted weight causes hormonal imbalance, reducing the levels of male hormones and bringing the onset of menopause.
  • Regular sexual life (without the frills) prevents the development of prostate diseases.

Prevention, which prevents the development of BPH in men in General is not complicated. All diseases of the genitourinary system should be treated under medical supervision, not self-medicate. The traditional methods when the change of the prostate is used as an extra. Treatment is aimed at relief of inflammation, prevention of chronic infection, increase the duration of remission.

If the initial signs of violation of urination should be examined by a urologist to clarify the causes of the condition. The detection of BPH future treatment can significantly slow down the disease.