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Methods of removal of adenoma of the prostate: advantages and disadvantages

BPH with timely treatment to the doctor can be successfully treated by modern medicine conservative methods. But late referral for medical assistance and other factors are all prerequisites for removal of the prostate laser. Not every treatment ends with the removal, but according to statistics, 3 out of 10 patients ordeal over radical measures (including laser treatment).

Indications for surgery

Symptoms not treatable therapeutic methods;

  • Complications of BPH, especially when the first signs of malignancy. The patient goes to the oncologist, is thoroughly examined and undergoing treatment in the clinic for cancer. In most cases it is the consequences of untreated prostatitis.
  • Acute urinary retention, especially in those cases where catheterization is not successful and gave the desired results.
  • Infection of the urinary tract, the cause of which is prostate cancer.
  • Acute renal failure caused by growth of glandular tissue.
  • Concretions of the bladder.
  • Hematuria – the appearance of blood in the urine, which is caused by prostatic hyperplasia.
  • A large number of residual urine.

The removal men have BPH sometimes is left open to question by reason of cardiovascular diseases and fevers, as the consequences can be unpredictable. In this case, resort to the treatment of these diseases, and then again raises the question of adenomektomii. At the time of treatment of comorbidities patient is prescribed a complex of exercises of medical gymnastics to prevent the development of complications in the prostate.

Absolute contraindications for surgical intervention (removal) of the prostate are:

  • Previously held adenomectomy.
  • Cancer (including the removal of any type of neoplasm).
  • Postoperative complications in the pelvic area.
  • Diabetes, heart disease and respiratory system at the stage of decompensation.

Types of interventions

The likelihood of re-growth of the prostate after the operation is negligible, but still should not experience your body's strength and lead a healthy lifestyle. If the removal of the prostate adenoma is not possible or did not bring due results, then the doctor prescribes an alternative treatment. In any case, the decision to do or not to do the surgery. If you still decide on it, the doctor will choose the surgical method.

Where is the best to choose?

Prices for surgical procedures at the adenoma of prostate is quite variable. When choosingclinic it is important to understand what constitutes the price, and be prepared, if you stay in the hospital the prices will change. This is sometimes due to some unforeseen factors arising in the course of surgical procedures.

Where prices are better and you need to consider:

  • Price directly operative procedures.
  • The price of accommodation.
  • The price of tickets on the way there and back.
  • Climatic conditions.

Here are some world prices

Country Prices
Russia 118-150 thousand rubles
Germany 12-16 thousand euros
Israel 9-12 thousand euros
Turkey 8-10 thousand euros

Of course, it should be understood that the more complicated procedure and higher qualification of specialists, the more will be the price.