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What treatment prostate cancer second degree has a favorable prognosis?

The prostate gland is an important organ responsible for the reproductive function of men. Prostate cancer 2 — malignant tumors of epithelial nature. The disease strikes mostly older men. To its causes include hereditary, hormonal imbalance, various intoxications.

To confirm the presence of cancer and to conduct adequate treatment, you will undergo a number of procedures. Blood tests, urine, palpation of the affected area, ultrasound and MRI. Only there are 4 degrees of prostate cancer, depending on tumor size and number of metastases:

  1. The first stage is characterized by localized proliferation of cancer cells, which do not extend beyond the glands. Rare pathology is evident at this stage, it is hard to diagnose. Prognosis of survival is positive.
  2. This stage is characterized by lesions of the deep layers of the prostate, but the tumor is also not beyond the body. This stage may be asymptomatic, but it is much easier to diagnose, for example, during ultrasound and palpation of the gland.
  3. The tumor extends beyond the prostate and affects the surrounding tissue. The process involved lymph nodes. Prognosis five-year survival rate at this stage is 40%.
  4. Cancer cells metastasize to distant parts of the body, striking vital organs (lungs, liver, brain) and skeletal system. The prospects of recovery in the fourth stage, disappointing. Many patients die within the first year after diagnosis.

The second stage of the forecast

The second stage of prostate cancer is quite successfully treated, and has a favorable prognosis. As a rule, the symptoms at this stage has not yet pronounced cancer is discovered by chance during a visit to a specialist.

However, in men, there are several symptoms that should alert and encourage to see a specialist:

  • frequent urination in small portions;
  • pain or burning during urination;
  • streaks of blood in the urine;
  • urinary retention;
  • groin pain, radiating to the back.

In the 2nd degree of the disease is very slowly progressing and may be in the borderline few years. Sick a long time may be unaware of its existence. It was from the 2nd degree, lends itself well to a cancer diagnosis. It is already possible to detect by palpation, MRI and ultrasound. To confirm the diagnosis during the detailed examination under the microscope take a sample of the prostate tissue (biopsy).

Methods of treatment

When choosing a method of treatment and method of rehabilitation is necessary to consider the individual characteristics of men:

  1. age,
  2. history
  3. the presence of other diseases
  4. General conditionbody.

Radical surgical impact

Surgery – the most effective method, able to ensure a favorable prognosis for the patient with cancer 2 degrees. The tumor is removed along with the gland. Modern intervention is based on the use of new surgical technology – the da Vinci robot. The procedure is considered safe and very effective. After it is possible to control the occurrence of relapse. Total removal of the organ is necessary to avoid the spread of the disease and its metastases.

The treatment begins with a longitudinal incision in the lower abdomen, the bladder is dissected and freed access to the prostate gland. The prostate is removed, all tissue stapled. Conduct drainage by urethral catheterization. Procedure is necessary to separate the flow of urine so that the seams on the bladder could easily be delayed. The catheter is removed after a week.

To access the prostate gland can be used another method. The incision is between the anus and the scrotum. This surgery is used less often.

Laparoscopic radical prostatectomy in cancer 2 degrees is the most accurate and sparing method of surgical intervention. In the lower abdomen produce 2 small incision to introduce a camera and the necessary tools. The camera allows for the treatment online, the image is on the monitor in front of the surgeon. This method of operation significantly reduces the risk of recurrence and complications.


If surgery is not possible, then the 2nd stage of prostate cancer resorted to the method of brachytherapy. Is the last word in radiation therapy. In the tumor are introduced radioactive drugs, which allows much better sighting and to irradiate the affected area. The power of impact on cancer cells are selected purely individual.

The postoperative period

Postoperative therapy usually lasts not more than a week. If treatment is not given complications in the form of bleeding and infection of wounds and sutures, the patient safely be discharged home. Hospital treatment after surgery includes the following activities:

  • analgesia (used narcotic and non-narcotic drugs);
  • flushing of the catheter with antiseptic solutions (preventing urinary infections);
  • anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics (if there were complications).

In the event of relapse radiation therapy.

Prospects for recovery and prevention

Prostate cancer 2 degrees has a fairly favorable prognosis. After surgery five-year survivalpatients can reach 90%.

If treatment is started in time, and manages to preserve erectile function and to establish a normal urination. Fatal cases at this stage are not used.

Prevention of cancer of the prostate is a timely annual inspection by a specialist. It is necessary at the first symptoms of disease of that organ to begin proper treatment. Timely therapeutic effect on prostatitis and other inflammatory diseases are able to reduce the risk of cancer.