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What muscle groups are working (swing) with different types of pullups on the bar

What muscles work when tightening important question, which interests all the people planning to pursue the development of exercises on the horizontal bar. In order to obtain reliable response, it is necessary to study existing methods and to understand what muscle groups are utilized in the training process.

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General characteristics

Exercises on the bar are an effective, integrated view of sports training. Because in the process of pull-UPS involve almost all the muscle groups. The exercise involves the athlete holding the weight of his own body on the crossbar with hands. With this, one must bend the elbows and bend your back, raising your head above the strap bar. In the process of this exercise to the greatest extent working the following types of muscles:

  1. Trapezoid.
  2. The widest selections.
  3. Biceps.
  4. Flexors and extensor region of the forearm, fingers.
  5. Oblique and transverse abdominal muscles.
  6. Deltoid.
  7. Biceps.

To a greater extent with the pull-UPS on the bar working the abdominal muscles, a group of pectoral and dorsal muscles, forearms and shoulders. There are different types and techniques of pull-UPS, contribute to the effective elaboration of certain muscle groups by providing them an extremely heavy load.


To understand what muscles shake when pulling up on the bar, you should examine the basic types of grips used by athletes during training. Consider in more detail what muscle groups work for certain types of grip:

  • The close grip pullups are divided into two varieties: narrow straight and narrow otherwise. When performing exercises slim-straight grip the athlete has a hand on the bar somewhat narrower than the width of his shoulders, raising his torso and head above the level of the horizontal bar. This type of training is ideal for development of the lower pectorals, shoulder muscles, and also work the serratus. If the pulling is done narrow reverse grip, then the girth of the crossbar thumbs of each hand a few turn away in different directions. During exercise narrow reverse grip effectively work the muscles and the widest area of the biceps.
  • Pullups to chest wide grip. Performing this category of exercises, the athlete has a hand on the bar, ultimately distancing them from one another. The head at this time to raise up, and your back slightly bend. Fixed peak recovery phase — touch the bar lower thoracic muscles. When training with a wide grip to the chest intensively work the latissimus dorsi (lower division), pairround muscles.
  • The wide grip pullups behind the head. When you perform these exercises effectively work and develop the trapezius, the pair of round, middle portion of the broadest muscle. Holding the bar in a wide grip, the athlete maximum bends his back and puts his elbows down. Then slowly and gradually makes an ascent to the top point, bringing the head over the bar so to touch it occipital region. Pull-up wide grip behind the head is not recommended for beginners in connection with trauma. This exercise exerts excessive stress on the shoulder joint region. Experienced athletes before the start of classes should be good to warm up the muscles by using pre-workouts.
  • Average pull-UPS reverse grip — optimal exercises on the bar for beginners, promoting uniform distribution of the load. This technique pull-UPS more simple to perform than the above. When pulling a reverse grip to most effectively work the biceps and the broad dorsal muscle, which is necessary for a quality practice exercises. Performing pull-UPS with medium reverse grip, the athlete must take the bar, placing hands shoulder-width apart, turning them so that his palm had turned to face. While lifting on the bar you must head to lock in a flat horizontal position, and the shoulders slightly back.
  • Pullups on the bar with a parallel grip — the easiest and safe exercise is recommended for beginners, who decided to swing. With proper execution of technique work biceps, bottom portion is the widest and brachioradialis muscles, thus it is possible to develop and strengthen the elbow area of the joints. The main feature of this exercise is that for its performance the athlete will need two rails located parallel to each other.

There are two ways to perform pull-UPS by the proposed method:

  1. Holding the crossbar, the athlete must stretch the body and slowly raise it up with fixing at the peak.
  2. You need to take the bar, placing the hands one over the other. Performing chin-UPS, it should be possible to reject the back, turning his head to the side. The peak point of lift — touch the lower part of the chest to the crossbar.

Thus, knowing what muscles are working when lifting with the use of particular types of capture, the athlete can choose exercises which are perfect for his level of training and individual characteristics. This makes training on the horizontal bar the maximumhigh quality, safe and effective.

How to increase training effectiveness

To classes at the bar was extremely successful and accelerated the development of certain muscle groups, professional trainers recommend aspiring athletes to follow a few simple and effective rules:

  • To perform pull-UPS to maximum slowly and smoothly, focusing on those muscles that are working at this moment.
  • To achieve favorable results, muscles should be able to recover after a workout. Therefore, you should avoid excessive exercise, especially in the early stages. The ideal option will be to conduct training three times a week with an interval in one day.
  • The duration of one training is a highly individual question that depends on many factors such as age, health status, physical preparation of the athlete, etc. is Not recommended hard rock, giving the stress on muscles and joints, because the result can be unfavorable, even muscle tears and joint injury. Increase the load slowly, adding every week of training 2-3 pull-UPS.
  • Take breaks between exercises. To break training for a number of approaches with a small number of iterations. Beginners are recommended to use the technique of frequent repetition. The essence of this technique lies in the fact that the athlete is during the day suited to the bar to 7-8 times, performing 2-3 pull-UPS in each cycle. After a week the number of sets and repetitions in them can be increased by several units.
  • Eat right. To build muscle requires food rich in proteins. That is why the diet the novice athlete should definitely be dairy products, eggs, nuts, meat and fish.

Following the recommendations of the experts, with regular and systematic practice pull-UPS on the bar-ideal to work the muscles of the arms, chest, back, shoulders, abdominals, making your body strong, beautiful and fit even without a gym!