Home / Urology / Protein in the urine in men (proteinuria): what to do?

The danger of protein in the urine in men symptoms and treatment

Protein in the urine in men (proteinuria) is one of the main diagnostic criteria for the diagnosis of diseases of the genitourinary system. The proteinuria in males can occur as a normal variant (after heavy physical work) or you can indicate lesions of the kidneys, urinary system or extrarenal pathologic processes with increased protein breakdown in the body.

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Normal 24 hours in humans, there is an allocation of a small amount of protein in the urine, but its concentration to determine when simultaneous selection is not enough.


The norm of proteins, which are allocated per day by the body through the kidneys, is 30-50 mg. the higher this number indicates the disorder, which is called proteinuria. Pathological processes which are accompanied by increase in protein in the urine of men, quite a lot, and some of them are not connected with renal system. It is also not always enhance high-level proteids allocated by the kidneys means that there is a certain disease. Depending on the etiology of the increase in protein excretion by the kidneys distinguish the following types of proteinuria:

Physiological increase of urinary protein excretion in men.

This state of proteins is considered as the norm, and therefore, when it is not prescribed treatment. The most frequent causes of the physiological increase of protein in the urine of men associated with excessive protein decomposition during exercise, hypothermia or higher temperatures. You may also experience a high level of protein in nervous strain, prolonged exposure to sun, consumption of meat products in large quantities. A separate type of proteinuria, which is viewed as the norm, is considered an increased level of allocation of protein by the kidneys, which occurs after a long period of standing or after a long walk. At physiological increasing daily the number does not exceed 1000 mg.

The pathological increase of protein in the urine in men:

  • Associated with lesions of the glomeruli (glomerulonephritis, kidney tumors, drug-disease).
  • Associated with tubular disorders (pyelonephritis, renal tubular necrosis, acute rejection of transplanted kidneys and congenital disease of the tubules).
  • Extrarenal proteinuria – occurs without the presence associated with renal system causes increased discharge of proteins by the kidneys and divides into prerenal and postrenal.

The occurrence of prerenal proteinuria is associated with increased hemolysis of red blood cells, destruction of musclecells, some types of blood cancer. Postrenal causes high concentration of protein in the urine in men are associated with disorders of the lower divisions of the urinary system such as cystitis, prostate inflammation, urethritis.

Mechanisms of development

The mechanism of release of a large amount of proteids kidney in the case of destruction of the glomeruli of the kidney is associated with changes of their filtering apparatus, which in pathology have conceded a greater number of proteids. Subsequent reverse the absorption in the tubules is unable to cope with excessive volume of proteids that leaked through the damaged glomerular filter, and protein in the increased amount of excreted from the body. In pathology of the tubules is disturbed back the absorption of proteins trapped in the glomerular ultrafiltrate during its formation by the nephron.

There are also extrarenal mechanisms of occurrence of high levels of protein in the urine in men. This so-called disease of overflow, when the result of disorders unrelated to the renal system in the blood increases the concentration of albumins and globulins and through the normal glomerular filter passes a large amount of low molecular weight proteins that are not able to fully back be absorbed in the tubules.

Clinical significance

Physiological proteinuria has the diagnosis with no serious clinical significance. These laboratory changes are temporary, the treatment when it is not assigned, and the protein concentration alone is reduced after a period.

A pathological increase in the amount of protein in the urine in men is a symptom of many diseases. There are three degrees of proteinuria:

  1. Mild (up to 1 g per day) is observed in urolithiasis, cystitis, inflammation of the urethra, the presence of a large number of cysts in the renal parenchyma.
  2. Moderate (1-3 g per day) ‒ occurs in acute necrobiosis tubules of the kidney, the glomerulonephritis, in the initial stages of amyloidosis.
  3. Severe (greater than 3.5 g per day) is the manifestation of the nephrotic syndrome associated with severe glomerular involvement in lupus nephritis, glomerulonephritis bright and other connective tissue diseases.

Treatment and recommendations

The increase of the level of proteids in daily volume of urine in men does not always mean that you need to take action. The treatment is assigned, when made to determine the cause of proteinuria. All therapeutic actions are directed against the main disease that led to a change in the laboratory value. Rational treatment prescribed by a specialist will allow you to lower the high protein in the urine of men.

If the definition of proteide allocated to the renal system, has shown inflated figures, it does not indicatethe need to make the appropriate treatment. Reasons why increased protein in the urine men, not provoked by the disease, is more than enough, because it is difficult to expect that the standard was exceeded temporarily, due to physical exertion or stress.

It is recommended to accurately determine the cause to take the blood test and to retest urine for the next day. Before re-testing is not recommended to consume plenty of protein write, long to be on my feet doing hard physical work. If at repeated research of urine the level of protein in it is not more than 300 mg/l, it means that the previous violation may be regarded as the norm.