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Symptoms and causes of kidney stones in men and the rules of treatment

Formation of mineral deposits or kidney stones is called nephrolithiasis. The discovery of such unexpected "gift" does not Bode well for their owner. The causes of formation of kidney stones, particularly in men, any signs of talking about them, how to treat nephrolithiasis? In this article You will find answers to these questions.

мужчина держится за поясницу

Why do I get stones?

The reasons for the formation of salt deposits in the kidneys can vary, but typically, a major role in the development of this renal disease in men and women plays a diet, how much water You drink and the quality of it, a way of life in General.

So, why do I get kidney stones:

  1. Genetic predisposition.
  2. Chronic inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and other organs of the urogenital system.
  3. Prostate adenoma in men (stagnation of urine in the bladder and kidneys ‒ the perfect environment for the formation of stones).
  4. Insufficient fluid intake.
  5. Poor quality of drinking water: appreciable content of salts and impurities (in some regions with very hard water this is the main reason for the formation of kidney stones).
  6. For a long period of dehydration, especially true for countries with a hot climate.
  7. Physical inactivity: sedentary, sedentary lifestyle.
  8. The metabolic disorders (increased level of calcium or uric acid in the blood).
  9. Taking certain medicines.

As you can see, in modern conditions, when serious doubts are raised as food products or water, work does not involve physical activity and amount of medication grows, men have all chances to face the problem of formation of kidney stones.

What should be alerted?

Symptoms of kidney stones is pain of a different nature, which is not surprising, because kidney stones are heavy brute of education, which, as the change of position hurt and damage surrounding tissue. However, if the stones are small, the disease can occur without symptoms.

The main signs, symptoms pointing to the formation of stones appear when they begin their movement:

  • Aching, exhausting pain in his side, in the lumbar region, sometimes the "giver" in the groin.
  • Jumping, running and strong shaking ‒ they can make the symptoms more pronounced.
  • Violation of urination, frequent urge to the toilet, burning, pain, or hematuria. If you have these symptoms, stones were in the bladder or starting out.
  • Excretion of fine sand or pebbles.
  • When large stones go throughthe narrow lumen of the ureter, you may experience severe pain that literally climbs on the wall is renal colic.
  • In the case of renal colic patients suffer from fever, dyspeptic disorders.

Having had such characteristic features, be sure to consult your doctor, if symptoms increase, and blood appears in the urine, you need to call an ambulance. Delayed treatment of renal colic and the consequences of inaction can be very serious: if the stone will not be able to "find a way" alone, there will be stagnation of urine in the kidney will develop renal failure, intoxication and the man will die.

Diagnosis of urolithiasis

If a man observes signs of kidney, it should go to the doctor-urologist. Only a physician based on laboratory data, examination of the patient, studying the symptoms can make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Usually carried out the following studies:

  1. Computed tomography, ultrasound of the kidneys, ureters, bladder. These studies help to determine the size and location of the stones, how many there are.
  2. General analysis and biochemical examination of urine. Reveals the presence of salts, impurities.
  3. Biochemical analysis of blood. Biochemistry gives an idea of the concentration of calcium, magnesium and uric acid, their high content might be the cause of the disease.
  4. Radiography of the kidneys.
  5. Study of composition of sand, stones, which go with the urine. This depends on the treatment strategy.

Once diagnosed, treatment. In addition to medication, the important point is balanced diet and lifestyle changes.

Therapy of nephrolithiasis

Treatment of kidney is largely determined by the size and composition of the stones, quality of life, how men symptoms:

  • Treatment with drugs that dissolve the stones, following a special diet and drinking regime.
  • The excretion of small stones with the help of copious drinking and diet.
  • Operative treatment: surgical removal, crushing of large stones with a laser, litholapaxy.
  • Receiving strong painkillers and antispasmodics for pain relief in renal colic.
  • Remove stuck in the ureter stone with a catheter or surgically (renal colic).
  • Physiotherapy.

Please note that the decision on how to assign treatment, taking doctor-urologist. Independent attempts to bring the stone, not having an idea about its size and location, can be very dangerous and cause damage to the kidneys, blockage of the ureter.


Educationkidney stones can be avoided and a lot here depends on the person. Prevention is much nicer and cheaper than cure. So, what can you do to protect yourself and your family from illness:

  1. Drink plenty of purified from the impurities of water (1.5-2 liters for men and for women).
  2. To have an active lifestyle, to exercise, to walk more.
  3. Go on a healthy diet. To follow a diet prescribed by your doctor (depends on the chemical composition of rocks).
  4. Give up bad habits (Smoking and alcohol).
  5. For men, it is important to monitor the condition of the prostate, this largely depends on the normal operation of the entire excretory system.
  6. To protect the body or treat inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, as soon as felt the first symptoms.
  7. Regular checkups, tests, follow all recommendations of the doctor, if the prescribed treatment.

As you can see, the nephrolithiasis may be asymptomatic, but sometimes felt a terrible symptoms – renal colic. If You have a predisposition to illness or You live in a region where the common kidney stones, it is better to go through study and if disease is found, start to treat him under the supervision of a doctor-urologist. And, of course, do not forget about healthy food, clean water, and active lifestyle as the best prevention of any disease. Be healthy!