Home / Urology / Urination in men (derosia): types of disorders and their treatment

Learn about urinary disorders in men and treatment options

Violation of urination in men is often a serious psycho-physiological and socio-hygienic problem. Problems urinating in men, significantly affect their quality of life, reduce the ability to social adaptation and activity, cause a strong sexual conflict and to be blamed for the deterioration of microclimate in the family, and often the causes of divorce.

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Urination in men is a kind of marker of their vitality and men's health: it is normal if a man is confident, active and is successful in the sexual sphere, and on social and career endeavors.

Looks like the norm

The rate of urination in healthy men implies the allocation of a day, about 1.5 l of urine. Frequency of urination per day is 4-7 times. At night, the desire to empty the bladder is absent, except in those cases when bedtime drink plenty of fluids.

A healthy man feels the urge to urinate, able to control it and suppress the urge when there is no possibility to empty the bladder even when it is overfull. The process of release of urine during the urethra of the act does not cause the man discomfort, pain during and after his absent, there is a feeling of complete emptying of the bladder and satisfaction.

If in the process the urethra that act and, after him, the man feels pain, any discomfort in the area of the urinary organs, the feeling of dissatisfaction, there are frequent urination, frequent or involuntary urination, and increase or decrease the volume of urine per day, then it is safe to speak about the disorder of urination, or dysuria.

Classification of dysuria

Dysuria is a complex of symptoms of disorders of urination and is the result of the disruption of the normal functioning of the organs of the urinary, reproductive, endocrine or nervous systems. Disorder urine output may overtake men as socially and sexually active age, and boys and elderly people.

Depending on the clinical picture, there are three groups of dysuria:

  1. Deviations associated with the process of accumulation of urine.
  2. Disruption of urine output.
  3. Combined disorders.

Violations of accumulation of urine

The first group of clinical signs of dysuria include:

  • Enuresis
  • Pollakiuria

Called enuresis involuntary discharge of urine, in which there are no desires and the desire to empty the bladder, that isthis process by the patient is not controlled. Enuresis can be true and false. In the first case, the process of allocation of urine occurs naturally through the urethra, the second – in the lumen of the urethra formed fistula through which stands out in urine.

The called pollakiuria frequent urination in small amounts. Pollakiuria can be true and false: the difference between them is that in the latter case, incomplete emptying of the bladder, and the amount secreted per day in urine does not decrease. Pollakiuria can be observed exclusively at night (nocturia), during the day or occur as a permanent phenomenon. As the cause of polyuria can be treatment with a diuretic, drink plenty of water, chronic renal failure, diabetes and diabetes insipidus, etc.

Disorders of the urinary tract

The second group of symptoms of dysuria include:

  • Ischuria
  • Strangury
  • Painful urination

Esuria called difficult urination in men. This may experience intermittent secretion of urine, weak stream, podkapyvanii urine after the urinary act, feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder. Stranguria called difficulty urinating, accompanied by pain during and after the separation of urine and feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder after the urinary act. For painful urination is characteristic of normal urine in combination with soreness during and after the urinary act.

Combined disorders

This group includes urinary incontinence, in which a man feels the urge to urinate but not able to control them.

Where does the problem

The reasons that can cause disorders of urination and discomfort during it, divided into 4 groups:

  1. Andrology.
  2. Urological.
  3. Endocrine.
  4. Neurological.

The causes of gynecological nature are such diseases of male genital organs such as inflammation of the prostate and BPH, benign and malignant tumors, drooping testicles. This includes infectious and viral diseases that are sexually transmitted diseases (ureaplasmosis, gonorrhea, herpes).

For those diseases characterized by inflammation and redness of the mucous membrane of the genito-urinary tract, frequent night urination, and also pain and discomfort during and after it. Often there is a narrowing of the urethra or the overlap of the tumor, resulting in the excretion of urine is made difficult. Particularly characteristic is the narrowing of the channelthe urethra for benign prostatic hyperplasia and other neoplastic lesions of the prostate. If along with these symptoms there has been a recurrent fever, weakness, severe pain, or purulent discharge from urinary tract, it is necessary to address urgently to the doctor who will establish a diagnosis and prescribe a timely and adequate treatment.

The causes of urological dysuria Genesis include inflammation of the urinary tract and the urinary: bladder, urethral canal, kidneys and ureters. This includes the nephrolithiasis and urolithiasis, nephrotic syndrome, and neoplastic lesions of the genitourinary system. For these diseases are often characterized by frequent and difficult urination in night and in day time, pain and discomfort during it, the narrowing of the canal of the urethra, inflammation and redness of its mucous membrane.

As the cause of dysuria endocrine origin acts as diabetes, the current which is characterized by copious and frequent excretion of urine, but the urethra is not inflamed. To neurological factors in the development of dysuria include severe stress, prolonged stress, degenerative changes in the Central nervous system, and effects on the body large amounts of alcohol.

As to eliminate the deviation

If the process of urination is accompanied by discomfort, pain and other unpleasant signals, you should immediately seek medical help in order to conduct a full and thorough examination of the reproductive, urinary, endocrine and nervous systems, as well as to obtain adequate and timely treatment. If dysuria vascular nature often is overlap or compression of the canal of the urethra, resulting in urine is difficult, but the urge to it often. Treatment in this case is often rapid, followed by the administration of specific medicines prescribed by the doctor.

If dysuria is urological in origin and is accompanied by stricture of the urethral canal, burning, pain, difficulty and frequent allocation of urine, the urethra is inflamed, the treatment will consist of taking anti-inflammatory and antibacterial pharmacological agents, the passage of physiotherapy and the transition to a balanced diet.

In endocrine Genesis dysuria treatment will consist of taking medications to eliminate the underlying disease. Treatment of neurogenic disorders of urination is carried out in accordance with the reasons that caused them (taking sedatives, normalization of work and rest, elimination of the use ofalcohol). Only a timely and comprehensive study will allow for a complete and comprehensive treatment of urinary disorders and prevent the subsequent development of dangerous complications.