Home / Urology / A tumor of the bladder in men: causes, symptoms and treatment

All about bladder tumor in men, its causes, symptoms and treatment

Bladder cancer is one of the most common types of cancer – disease is ranked seventh in frequency of occurrence. About fifty thousand people a year develop cancer of this organ worldwide. In most cases, the disease develops from the transitional cells that line the inner surface of the body, giving the disease the name of the transition. Other types of tumors are much less common.

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Risk factors and classification of cancers

It should be noted that the presence of risk factors to the formation of bladder tumors does not guarantee the emergence and development of this disease. These terms only serve to provoke the Genesis and stimulate the tumour for further growth.

List the risk factors:

  • Smoking (the most important risk factor for the development of cancer.

Smokers have at least 3 times more likely to get a tumor than non-smokers.

  • Impact on the workplace.

Some industrial chemicals are associated with the occurrence of the disease. Chemicals called aromatic amines, such as benzidine and beta-naphthylamine, which are sometimes used as industrial dyes, can provoke cancer diseases, most often it manifests in men.

  • Race and ethnicity.

The representatives of Caucasians have about two times more likely to develop cancer than people from other racial groups.

  • Age.

The risk of disease increases with age. Nine out of ten patients older than 55 years of age develops a tumor.

  • Paul.

Bladder cancer is much more common disease among men than among women.

  • Chronic irritation and infection.

This is a frequent cause of malignant growth in that organ.

  • Schistosomiasis

Helminth is a parasitic disease caused by Schistosoma hematobium worms, parasites in the cavity of the bladder. Invasion is a possible cause of the progression of bladder cancer.

  • Cancer diseases of other organs of urogenital system in history.
  • Congenital defects of the bladder (frequent reason).
  • Heredity.

People who have relatives with similar pathology have a high risk of the disease.

  • Genetics.

A small number of people inherit the syndromes of some diseases caused by defects in a particular gene that increases the risk of bladder tumors. Suchdiseases include mutational retinoblastomas, Caudana disease, Lynch syndrome and similar possible reasons.

  • Chemotherapy and radiation therapy (a very common cause of the disease);
  • Some medications or herbal supplements.

Dietary Supplement containing acid herbs of the Aristolochia family, are associated with an increased risk of diseases of the genitourinary system of males, including those that stimulate tumor of the bladder.

  • Arsenic and lithium in drinking water (in fact, quite often the reason why the disease develops).
  • Low fluid intake.

Regular shortage of drinking can increase the risk of developing bladder cancer. People who drink a lot of fluids every day have a lower level of possible to the tumor.

Symptoms of the disease

Like many diseases of malignant origin, a tumor of the bladder has a wide range of clinical signs. This situation may delay the timely examination and application of effective treatment.

One of the most common signs of causing cancer pathology of the genitourinary system, is hematuria, the symptoms the presence of blood in urine in men. In most cases, this is the first symptoms indicating the early stages of the disease. Blood in the urine can appear and disappear, as the tumor bleeds from time to time.

Other symptoms of tumors can be attributed to irritation of this organ, which stimulates the development of symptoms similar to infectious diseases of the bladder. For example, during urination a steady pain, which symptomatic treatment is difficult to cope.

If the tumor is muscle-invasive type, and develops in the bladder wall, other symptoms may develop over time. For example, pain in the lower abdomen, the treatment of which painkillers men is quite difficult.

The diagnosis of cancer

Diagnostics to identify a tumor of the bladder, is done sequentially, eliminating all possible concurrent diseases, the symptoms of which allow you to assign the correct treatment.

Most often diagnosis of malignant neoplasms in the bladder of males is performed in the following sequence:

  • Urine microscopy. The urine sample can be sent to the laboratory to search for cancer cells under a microscope. Such diagnostics allows to detect cancer cells, confirming the tumor of the bladder, but their absence does not exclude the presence of disease.
  • Cystoscopy in men. Method refers to the group of visual methods with the use of a special instrument called a cystoscope. The cystoscope into the urinarythe bladder through the urethra under the influence of local anesthesia.
  • Special urine tests. Was developed a number of special urine tests that help detect bladder cancer at its early stages. For example, diagnosis of VTA-NMP22 test and test-MCM5. The method consists in the detection of chemical substances and proteins in the urine, which are formed by cancer cells cancer of the bladder.
  • An ultrasound scan. It is a safe and painless diagnostic that uses sound waves to render images of organs and structures inside the body.
  • CT scan and visual examination called CT urography. Is a special type of CT scan that provides images of the urinary tract.

Therapeutic methods of the exception activity malignancy

Refined diagnosis of malignant bladder tumors in men causes treatment only a narrow range of funds. As you know, this disease is capable of metastasis, so treatment should start early, otherwise symptoms of illness can manifest themselves in different areas of the body.

The main therapeutic measures for the treatment of cancer in men include:

  • Removal of the tumor. The majority of superficial bladder tumors are removed by a specialist using a cystoscope, which is diagnostic of the disease. This process is called transurethral resection.
  • Immediate chemotherapy. After a transurethral resection is usually performed chemotherapy of the bladder in the amount of one dose of intravesical chemotherapy. This is usually done within 24 hours after resection. The treatment is to place fluid into the bladder through a tube (catheter) which is then not displayed for hours. The liquid contains drugs of chemotherapy.

Chemotherapy contributes to destruction of cancer cells or remission of their growth. Studies have shown that one dose of intravesical chemotherapy reduces the likelihood of tumor recurrence several times.

If bladder cancer is one of the most common types of cancer, then it can not be ignored. And if the individual risk factors (race, genetics, gender, age) we are powerless to influence, on the other (e.g., Smoking) can. Special attention should be paid to symptoms and diagnosis of the disease. Lead a healthy lifestyle, watch your health, and risk factors will be reduced to a minimum.