Home / Inflammation / Balanoposthitis in men / Post: the symptoms and treatment of the disease

Features symptoms of Postica, its causes and methods of treatment

Under the medical term "post" means inflammation of the foreskin (inner leaf). Often, this pathology is combined with inflammation on the glans penis is a disease called "balanoposthitis".

Causal factors

The post arises due to accumulation of infection and smegma in the area of the foreskin from the inside.

Smegma is a special secret allocated from the head of the penis. At the same time, it serves as an excellent medium for the growth and reproduction of infectious agents. This phenomenon is typical for men who do not pay enough attention to the hygiene of the penis or suffer from phimosis (as hampered the ability of the full hygiene of the penis because of restricted mobility of the foreskin).

The development of the disease contribute to such causes of postita:

  • irritation of the glans and of the prepuce, arising under the action of soap, urine, grease contraceptives;
  • traumatic injuries;
  • allergic to means of intimate hygiene, certain foods;
  • infection with microorganisms (staphylococci, enterococci, streptococci, Ureaplasma), viruses or Trichomonas, including pathogens, sexually transmitted diseases;
  • diabetes.

Of pathology

The first manifestation of postita getting itching and burning sensation in penis head. This symptom occurs in the early stages of the disease. The opening of the foreskin causes an unpleasant feeling of tension. These symptoms lead to the fact that during intercourse, men experiencing discomfort, pain, and notes redness and swelling of the foreskin and penis.

When phimosis there are symptoms such as pus, smegma from prepucialna pouch, which is a skin fold of the foreskin between the inner surface and the head of the penis. In some cases, symptoms of the deterioration of the General condition of men: a small increase in body temperature, weakness, malaise.

Causing continuous irritation of the penis head, wait in men is accompanied by increased sexual excitability. However, the symptoms of this disease are deprived man of the ability to enjoy sex. Symptoms of postita can meet men individually and in the aggregate.

The symptoms of inflammation in the foreskin can vary depending on the causative agent: bacterial, viral, fungi of the genus Candida, etc. Adequate treatment is necessary to prevent the development of the following complications:

  • reduced sensitivity of the glans penis;
  • the development of urethritis (inflammation of urethra);
  • the formation of phimosis or paraphimosis;
  • increaselymph nodes in the groin;
  • cancer of the penis.

Diagnostics is standard examination of the patient by the urologist. For laboratory tests use a swab from the penis head, harvested for research allocation from prepucialna bag and the urethra. To determine the pathogen and the selection of the optimal treatment conducting studies of smears and bacteriological culture. Only the right combination of treatment can guarantee the elimination of such diseases as post.

Treatment tactics

Posts should be treated necessarily. If untreated, possible transfer of disease in the ulcerative form, which is accompanied by the formation of a large number of sores. This complication is characterized by such symptoms as severe pain when walking, sexual intercourse and urination.

In the future also may develop lymphangitis. The disease involves inflammation of the lymph vessels in the region of the penis, symptoms of which are complemented by the manifestation of red lines on the back side of the penis. If not treated post, developing inguinal lymphadenitis (inflammation of lymph nodes), and the last stage – gangrene of the penis.

Treatment of Postica in the early stages start with a constant hygiene of the penis head using:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • furatsilina;
  • soap for intimate hygiene or child;
  • of potassium permanganate.

Quite effective treatment with ointments and creams with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, healing action. Find their application in the treatment of Postica and baths using medicinal herbs (chamomile, oak bark). In severe cases, treatment is recommended by a course of antibiotics (symptoms – pus, gangrenous lesions). A comprehensive treatment can be supplemented with vitamins, immunomodulatory and detoxification drugs.

When the diagnosis "post" self-medication is strictly not allowed. Only the treatment prescribed by their specialist, may be effective and will allow you to quickly eliminate the symptoms of the disease. The most effectiveness of the therapy will achieve, subject to all recommendations of the urologist. Not last role is played following the rules about protected sex throughout therapy, and to prevent the possibility of infection in sexual partner to prevent re-infection.

Preventive measures of this disease are a daily observance of a man intimate hygiene. Also plays a major role timely treatment of phimosis and other pathologies, which may be accompanied by such violation of intimate of men's health, as post.
