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All about the symptoms of epididymitis in men and its treatment

Epididymitis in men, is a pathology associated with the development of the inflammatory process of the epididymis. About what are the symptoms of epididymitis and what can be done for its effective treatment, you need to know every man.

In Latin, the appendage called the epididymis, and it is from this word came the name of the disease. The main function of the epididymis – ensuring maturation of spermatozoa prior to their participation in the process of fertilization.

Interestingly, the length of these tubes with high rigidity located in a compact form behind the egg, it reaches 6 m. the Form of the appendages somewhat reminiscent of the shape of sperm – they are head, body and pointy tail. Acute epididymitis can occur without treatment in 3-5 days, but there is a risk that it will become chronic.

Manifestations of the disease

Most prone to epididymitis men aged 15 to 39 years. In addition, epididymitis often found in older men over 60. Distinguish chronic and acute epididymitis depending on the type of the disease. The disease can be affected one or both testicles.

The symptoms were:

  • discomfort in the groin area;
  • cutting pain in the testicle;
  • the appearance of blood in the urine and unusual discharge from the penis;
  • exacerbation of pain when walking, defecation and urination.

Given the characteristics of the male anatomy is more common left-sided epididymitis. And only in rare cases may be affected by the right or both testicles. If the inflammation has started in the urinary ducts, the first pain appear in the left side and only later shifted to the groin.

The acute course

Acute epididymitis begins with a sharp rise in temperature, chills, pain in the groin. Appendage thickens and increases in size. In contact with pathogens through the blood suffers first head appendage, if there was a rising infection first becomes inflamed tail of it.

The pain often occurs on one side – right or left. Bilateral acute epididymitis occurs more often than in one case out of five. Characteristic radiating pain from the groin, in the lumbar region and the sacrum. Inflamed appendage ring compresses the testicle. The process may involve the VAS deferens and cord. Occasionally there is inflammation of the testicle.

These symptoms of epididymitis can get away without treatment, but there is always a risk of abscess formation or transition of the disease into the chronic stage. An abscess is characterized by:

  • high temperature in the lesion;
  • smooth, tightly stretched skin;
  • severe pain, not allowing it to touch the scrotum.

Chronic pathology

Chronic epididymitis often occurs at the end of the acute phase of the disease inthe absence of treatment. However, it so happens that the pathology immediately acquires a chronic form. Chronic epididymitis is often the result of running States of urethritis, prostatitis, vesiculitis, syphilis, gonorrhea, or may occur after removal or ligation of VAS deferens.

Such a often leads to the defeat of both appendages. It also causes pain in the groin, but they are not so strongly expressed. Occurs with periodic fever to subfebrile (37° C), the appearance of seals in the scrotum. The result is a fibrotic seal and scars in the region of the testicle.

Why is this happening

Infection or inflammatory process occurs in the appendages in contact with them bacteria. We can distinguish several causes of epididymitis:

  1. Retrograde infection. Is the most common cause of this disease. The pathogens into the epididymis through the urethra, the prostate.
  2. Hematogenous infection. Occurs in some infectious diseases, e.g. pneumonia, typhoid, flu. The pathogens into the epididymis through the blood.
  3. Contact the infection. Occurs infection of the testicle.

What are the main causes of epididymitis? The disease often develops as a result of overexertion, injury scrotum, problems with urination, and can also be the consequence of an unsuccessful endoscopy. His appearance often lead the mumps suffered by man at an early age, as well as tuberculosis and some medications. In children the disease most often occurs after high stress or trauma.

Experts disagree about the main causes of epididymitis. Some believe that the most common cause of this disease are neglected sexually transmitted infections, others that it is a consequence of urinary tract infections. Indeed, chronic epididymitis is a complication of genital infections.

How to identify the disease

Before starting treatment, conduct laboratory research. The main crops are bacterial microflora of the urethra and the urine and blood. In parallel, conduct the inspection of the urethra and history collection. The crops tested for sensitivity to antibiotics for the selection of the most effective treatment.

To quickly determine the composition of microflora have been successfully used PCR and immunological tests. Performed ultrasound examination of the testicles and prostate to exclude the presence of tumors and to ascertain the degree of development of the disease.

How to treat inflammation of the appendages

Since the causative agents are bacteria, the basis of any therapy are antibiotics. In any case can not be startedindependent treatment of folk remedies or pharmaceutical drugs. Treatment appoint a doctor.

When multiple types of pathogenic organisms usual treatment with two antibiotics at the same time. The most effective intravenous administration of drugs, however, it may be intramuscularly or orally taking them. The duration of treatment is not less than 10 days.

For patients up to 39 years old use a combination of Ceftriaxone and doxycyline. For older patients and for those who practice anal sex (in this case, the pathogens may be bacteria of the intestinal microflora) and not infected with gonorrhea or Trichomonas, using a different combination of the antibiotics ciprofloxacin and sulfamethoxazole.

Treatment epididymitis is usually done at home and can be combined with the treatment of folk remedies. Some experts insist on treating a patient, but do not exclude the addition of treatment popular recipes.

Antibiotic treatment goes well with physical therapy. In case of occurrence of the abscess will require surgical intervention and long-term treatment of epididymitis, which is necessarily of antibiotics are. This disease can lead to necessary removal of the testicle.

Question about how to treat epididymitis in a child are best addressed with a pediatric – prescription of antibiotics in this age has its own peculiarities and always takes into account weight. It is important to understand that the epididymitis, the causes of which are clarified in the course of the survey, should be treated in both partners.

First aid for acute course

Acute epididymitis is developing during the day and requires immediate treatment. First aid is the application of cold to the scrotum.

Effective use of special underpants that can detect the scrotum to reduce pain of the testicle. Recommended bed rest at home and diet, which eliminated all the annoying food – salty, spicy, spicy, smoked and alcohol.

Features of treatment of chronic forms of

Treatment of chronic epididymitis, in addition to antibiotic therapy, suggests:

  • thisprocedure (ultrasound, VHF);
  • immunomodulators;
  • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • promotes resorption.

The main thing – to prevent stagnation of sclerotherapy and egg.

The use of traditional recipes

Treatment only folk remedies do not give quick results. But in combination with drugs effective various forms of treatment folk remedies.

The most effective use of rectal suppositories or ointments with propolis, extracts of birch or hops. There are also specialfees based on bearberry, violet, green beans, calamus, rhubarb, yarrow. Apply alcohol tincture of the fruits of juniper, parsley, anise, shepherd's purse. Before you start treatment of folk remedies, make sure you are not allergic to the components of herbal fees, and do not replace their primary therapy.