Home / Inflammation / Colliculi: symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment

What about the symptoms and treatments of colliculitis need to know men

Seed tubercle or follicle – a small bump on the rear wall of the prostatic region of the urinary canal men. It inflammation and is called colliculi.

The follicle is a natural obstacle to the exit of urine and semen. During sexual intercourse, he is able to get excited and increase in size due to the presence within it of the vascular grid. It also strengthens orgasm, and facilitates the contraction of smooth muscles of the prostate and seminal vesicles.

Than can be caused by disease

There are various reasons of colliculitis, and depending on them and symptomatic treatment. The disease may start as a result of infection from adjacent organs (urethra, prostate, seminal vesicles or appendages) and the result is the innervation and blood supply of the seed of the follicle.

The primary infection also occurs during oral, anal and genital sex acts. It should be understood that the ingress of pathogenic organisms in the prostatic portion of the urinary canal will definitely lead to inflammation of the seminal follicle. Infection from adjacent organs is called reactive colliculi.

Prerequisites for the emergence of the inflammatory process are:

  • a sedentary lifestyle;
  • prolonged or incomplete sexual acts;
  • constipation.

How to recognize illness

The severity of symptoms of colliculitis depends on the stage of its development and the spread of infection to adjacent organs. What are the main symptoms of colliculitis?

  1. Change of erection. More and more cases of spontaneous erection in men the erection during intercourse weakened.
  2. The sensation of having a foreign body in the rectum.
  3. Pain. Acute colliculi causes sharp pain in the groin stabbing, burning or shooting in nature. They often give in the lower parts of the spine, and in acute pain over the zone covers the area from knees to navel.
  4. Oiled orgasm.
  5. Problems with ejaculation. Observed pain or discomfort.
  6. The appearance of blood in semen and urine.
  7. Violation of urination (discontinuous or thin stream).

What you need for proper therapy

If you suspect colliculi men should be to consult a doctor. The disease quickly leads men to a specialist because almost immediately after it began, the symptoms create a lot of trouble. Diagnosis is carried out only after the collection of data on the disease and conduct the necessary laboratory studies. There are pathologies with similar symptoms (cystitis, prostate cancer and BPH), andit is important to perform a differential diagnosis before you prescribe treatment.

A lot of useful information the doctor gets from patient interviews. However, many men are embarrassed to talk about their problems, significantly complicating the work of the doctor and hiding the symptoms. The downside is the fact that as a result of giving a distorted picture, the patient is subjected to unnecessary and sometimes not a very good survey and treatment of colliculitis starts much later than it could.

One of the methods to accurately diagnose colliculi is urethroscopy. This is performed using electric probe to directly examine the sore area.

How to treat inflammation

The most effective treatment of colliculitis in men is usually performed during health resort treatment. This is due to the high performance physiotherapy, homeopathy and vitamin therapy in combating this disease, as colliculi.

There are a number of limitations that are well tolerated by the patients while at the resort. This diet, without irritating foods – spicy, fried, sour and alcohol, and lack of sex. The duration of treatment cannot be reduced, even if the symptoms disappear quickly. Doctors also recommend planning conception, not earlier than 2-3 months after completion of treatment.

Colliculi requires combined treatment. The basis is antibiotic therapy, which is complemented by topical agents that reduce swelling and inflammation, and stimulates circulation in the prostatic part of the urethra. Appointed by local treatment with preparations of silver, are regular instillation of the urethra anti-inflammatory drugs, decoctions of herbs-antiseptics.

Very effective in the treatment of diseases of the prostate and colliculitis various physiotherapeutic methods:

  • Ultrasound;
  • UHF;
  • the influence of constant and variable electric and magnetic fields;
  • diadinamotherapy by which the problem area is exposed to the modulated current.

Occasionally, there are cases when treatment is possible only surgically. This occurs when the swelling of the seed follicle that interferes with the normal flow of urine. The appearance of such symptoms as prolonged urinary retention and severely restricted its output due to the fact that the follicle is mechanically prevents mochevyvodjashie necessitated a resection of the seminal follicle.

Irina Podolsky