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About treatment, causes and symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is the scourge of the male population after 50 years. The disease brings a lot of inconvenience to the man, and in some cases can cause more serious pathologies. So BPH: what is it, what are its causes and symptoms and treatment methods? The answers to these questions will be interesting not only men who have this diagnosis, but also representatives of the stronger sex, which has not yet touched the trouble.

What is the disease

This files most often benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is known under the term adenoma of the prostate gland. This pathology is a benign tumor of the prostate. For unclear reasons the tissues of the body begin to grow and gradually squeeze the urethra. There are unpleasant symptoms and problems with urination.

In most cases of benign hyperplasia in the Central part of the prostate gland is formed the knot, which gradually begins to grow, shifting fabric on the outside. Then gradually pathological process extends to the lateral lobes of the gland. The prostate gland grows in all directions, displacing the inner hole of the bladder and extending up the back part of the urethra. The flow of urine difficult, and in the case of compression of the urethra by the prostate and stops altogether. But the direct relationship between the size of an enlarged prostate and symptoms of BPH no, it depends on the direction of tumor growth.

Why there is a problem

The cause, which became the impetus for the formation of BPH, is still not fully elucidated. But pundits suggest that BPH develops due to changes in hormone levels in the blood of men. The causes of the disorders lie in the fact that with age, in men there is a physiological imbalance between androgens and estrogens. And if earlier the balance of hormones kept the growth of prostate cells, the failure allows the tissue to grow almost uncontrollably. In some sources it says that cause the formation of BPH can be such reasons:

  1. Stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs.
  2. Weight.
  3. Frequent hypothermia.
  4. Chronic infectious process in the prostate gland.
  5. Genetic predisposition.

But this is mostly not the causes of BPH, and predisposing factors. After numerous studies, scientists found that sexually transmitted diseases, sexual orientation, and harmful habits do not cause growth of the prostate tissue. But this is all speculation, and the search for the causes of BPH is still ongoing.

Forms of

The symptoms of BPH-specific, anddiagnosis of the disease does not require special efforts. Bad point is that the symptoms are very similar to prostate cancer. Therefore, you should not try to treat BPH at home with folk remedies, even if these are symptoms similar to yours. Such treatment will not lead to any good, because, not knowing all the nuances can only worsen the situation.

BPH symptoms depend on the location of the tumor, its size and growth rate. But as a fundamental factor in the symptoms is the level of the violation of the outflow of urine, in medicine it is customary to use a certain classification. It is based on the stages of severity of BPH.

The compensation stage

The duration of this stage varies from 1 year to 5 years. BPH symptoms manifest themselves with frequent urination mainly at night time. A man can go to the dressing-room from 5 to 8 times per night. Stream of urine a weak, sometimes interrupted into droplets, and the man have to exert effort to complete the process. Some men in the first stage of BPH is celebrated bedwetting.

Stage subcompensation

Pathological process continues to progress, and the BPH symptoms become more pronounced. The bladder is not able to fully evacuate the urine, and appears residual urine. In men there is a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder. Frequent urination is observed at any time of day, and the emptying of the bladder often occurs in 2-3 stages. A man can not perform the process of urination without natureline. Symptoms of functional disorders in the kidneys.

Stage of decompensation

The amount of residual urine gradually increases due to the progression of prostatic growth. An enlarged bladder is determined not only by palpation but also visible to the naked eye. Urine is allocated on drops, sometimes it is opaque, may appear droplets of blood.

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Symptoms of common disorders, which are expressed in weakness, weight loss. Frequent constipation. Some of the symptoms people talk about disorders in the kidneys. This is reflected in bad breath, dry mouth, nausea and other symptoms.

The BPH symptoms appear, then disappear ‒ this is a feature of the disease. The danger lies in the fact that some factors can trigger acute urinary retention, and this could have serious consequences. In addition, men oftenhave to change way of life in the treatment of BPH, and adding some flavor to this frequent runs to the toilet have a negative impact on nature.

How to get rid of

Methods of treating benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) a lot. The treatment of the disease depends on the severity of the disease. In the initial stages after a survey of drugs used, as well as a treatment in some folk remedies, but only after consultation with your doctor. In more advanced stages, surgical intervention is justified. Moreover, resorting to new non-surgical methods of treatment of BPH.


Treatment of BPH is aimed at the improvement of blood microcirculation in the tissues of the body, the reduction in inflammation and a decrease in prostate volume. In addition, treatment of comorbidities. Treatment of folk remedies in this case is considered as a secondary therapy, as it is not recorded a single case of complete cure of disease with medicinal plants.


If the disease is neglected or BPH not amenable to medical treatment, then resort to surgical intervention. The manner in which treatment is performed, selects a doctor, taking into account the patient's wishes. There are two methods of treatment:

  • Open. Access to the prostate is formed through the wall of the bladder. This way is very traumatic, but is mostly used in the later stages of BPH, when the tumor is large.
  • Minimally invasive. This operation does not require extensive, and is carried out through the urethra. Treatment does not require hospitalization, and recovery time is short.
  • Embolization of the artery of the prostate. In this case, the operation was conducted by vascular surgeons.

Treatment of BPH is long and often requires men to drastic changes in daily lifestyle. Early diagnosis of BPH will allow early treatment and avoid surgery. To deal with this disease should not attempt folk remedies. If you wish to treat with them, it is first necessary to consult a doctor. Watch your health, visit the doctor and be healthy!

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