Home / Surgery / Castration: what it is (all about the operation)

What is a castration (before, during, and complications after surgery)

Castration is an operation directed at removing the sexual glands in men. This manipulation is applied in the modern medical field often because such interference leads to a decrease in the level of male sex hormones, inhibiting the expression of secondary sexual characteristics and making impossible the realization of the reproductive function. However, in some cases castration (another name for this procedure is a necessary measure to preserve health and even life of the patient.

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When is

According to experts, the surgery is a necessary medical operation in the presence of men following pathologies:

  1. Prostate cancer.
  2. The presence of malignant tumors in testes.
  3. Severe traumatic injuries of the genital organs.
  4. Infectious lesions, leading to complete structural destruction of the tissues in the region of the gonads.

It should be emphasized that the castration is done only in the most exceptional and complex situations, when other therapeutic methods are ineffective. According to the international classification castration is divided into two types: partial and complete. In the first case, there is a cessation of endocrine or generative function, and the second blocked both functions of the male body.

Types of surgical intervention

Emasculation in modern medicine, surgical, radiation or chemical means. Consider the features of each method in more detail:

  • Orchidectomy — is a surgical intervention aimed at complete removal of the testicles. During the operation the surgeon can make an incision in the groin or scrotum. This procedure is most complicated, difficult and traumatic in comparison with other types of medical castration, therefore, assigned only in the presence of bilateral cancer tumor, localized in the region of the testicles.
  • Enucleation is a surgical procedure aimed at removal of the parenchyma located in the testicles, is usually administered in the case of cancer of the prostate in men.
  • Chemical castration — a more soft, gentle and safe option compared to surgical castration. For this reason, specialists try to use for the treatment of pathologies of the reproductive system in men this method. During the procedure to the patient are introduced to medication, including modified forms of the male sex hormone testosterone. As a result, the patient stops the natural production of this hormonesignificantly reduced the amount of seminal fluid and decreases sexual function. This type of castration is often used in mental illness men when sexual behavior of the patient represents a danger to society. After a certain time after discontinuation of medications sexual function of men is almost completely restored.
  • Radiation castration is intense ionizing radiation on the genital area (mostly eggs), leading to full cessation of their functioning. Given the fact that this method is quite harmful and may lead to development of radiation sickness, in practice it is rarely used.

When the manifestation of symptoms castration syndrome should immediately seek the advice of a specialist for a thorough diagnosis of destination optimal and in this case of treatment.

Possible complications

In addition to physiological changes, the complex of which is called castration syndrome after castration in men can be observed violations of functioning of cardiovascular and nervous systems. Experts distinguish the following kinds of potential complications:

  1. Heart palpitations.
  2. Excessive sweating.
  3. Headache localized primarily in the temporal and occipital regions.
  4. Increase in blood pressure.
  5. Paroxysmal pain in the heart area.
  6. Dizziness.
  7. Fainting.
  8. Joint pain.
  9. Pain in the lumbar spine.
  10. Nervous breakdowns.
  11. Atherosclerosis.
  12. The increased fatigue.

In most cases in men who underwent castration, there are signs of asthenia, weakness, decreased endurance for both physical and mental stress. Possible serious memory disorders and concentration. Often patients get severe depression, sometimes followed by complete loss of interest in the surroundings and thoughts of suicidal nature.

Experts note that these symptoms mainly occur in men approximately after a month after castration, reaching peak point on the second or third month of the rehabilitation period. The difficulty is that many patients and even doctors often do not associate disturbances in the condition with a history of castration, mistaking them for manifestations of various diseases. However, castration complications require adequate, competent treatment, and the sooner it is done, the more favorable the results of therapy.

If there are signsthe castration syndrome, and appearance related complications patient is assigned a complex treatment. Therapy necessarily involves the admission sedative, tonic and hormonal drugs. Specific drugs and their dosage the specialist selects individually. The patient can be shown physiotherapy, vitamin therapy, therapeutic exercise, and counseling therapist.

Castration is a complex procedure, fraught with serious complications and disorders in functioning of the male body. For this reason, castration is carried out only in case of emergency with appropriate medical indications.